consequent 中文意思是什麼

音標 ['kɔnsikwənt]
consequent 解釋
adj. 形容詞 1. 繼起的,因…而起的 (on; upon); (邏輯上)必然的,當然的。
2. 【地質學;地理學】順向的。
n. 名詞 (當然的)結果;【邏輯學】後件;結論;【數學】后項;【語法】(條件結構中的)結果子句。
adv. 動詞 副詞 -ly
  1. The connection between the assumption and the question or alleged consequent is remote.

  2. With the rapid development of economy in china, vehicle volume is increasing heavily. therefore, the consequent traffic problems of traffic congestion, traffic accidents and environment pollution become a headache of city managers. intersection as the hinge of city traffic system, vehicles, pedestrians and bicycles join together in the intersection

    本文依託國家自然科學基金重點項目《城市路網動態交通管理與控制關鍵理論及其模擬技術研究》和國家自然科學基金項目《混合交通中的機非沖突機理與基本參數研究》 ,對平面交叉口轉彎車流交通組織優化方法進行了研究。
  3. The cluster of small and medium commercial firms produces cluster effect and consequent competitiveness

  4. Some consequent action was necessary; yet what ?

  5. This is due to its inflation and consequent unemployment.

  6. Both of them joined the consequent stream at approximately the same point.

  7. The consequent collisions with state power weakened its impetus.

  8. Many of these departures are consequent on the particular nature of the disturbance.

  9. The resulting length of path is greatly increased, with consequent increase in resistance.

  10. Sedimentary loading with consequent thermal blanketing will become major factors.

  11. His consequent distortion of the arrangements disturbed the german naval staff.

  12. Also we manufacture various of series excitation, direct current, induction and consequent pole motor

  13. With strain, elevating a candlestick : with pain, feeling on his right temple a contused tumescence : with attention, focusing his gaze on a large dull passive and slender bright active : with solicitation, bending and downturning the upturned rugfringe : with amusement, remembering dr malachi mulligan s scheme of colour containing the gradation of green : with pleasure, repeating the words and antecedent act and perceiving through various channels of internal sensibility the consequent and concomitant tepid pleasant diffusion of gradual discolouration

    他全神貫注地凝視著那龐大笨重被動的和那細溜活潑主動的,又殷勤地彎下身去,把掀起來的地毯邊兒舒展成原樣。他興致勃勃地記起瑪拉基穆利根博士的色彩計劃,其中包括深淺有致的綠色208 。他又心懷喜悅之情重復著當時相互間的話語和動作,並通過內部種種感官,領悟著逐漸褪色所導致的溫吞快感的舒散。
  14. [ 29 ] and its consequent derivation. the other is the method applied to generate the hermite - cosh - gaussian ( hchg ) beams

  15. The myopic digital calculation of coins, eructation consequent upon repletion

  16. Meanwhile, the “ learning ” result can be uploaded to pc via plesio - fdc ( fast data channel ), so to supply model for the consequent test serial

  17. The distinguished scientist herr professor luitpold blumenduft tendered medical evidence to the effect that the instantaneous fracture of the cervical vertebrae and consequent scission of the spinal cord would, according to the best approved traditions of medical science, be calculated to inevitably produce in the human subject a violent ganglionic stimulus of the nerve centres, causing the pores of the cobra cavernosa to rapidly dilate in such a way as to instantaneously facilitate the flow of blood to that part of the human anatomy known as the penis or male organ resulting in the phenomenon which has been dominated by the faculty a morbid upwards and outwards philoprogenitive erection in articulo mortis per diminutionem capitis

    傑出的科學家盧伊特波爾德布盧門達夫特168教授先生曾提出下述醫學根據加以闡明:按照醫學上公認的傳統學說,頸椎骨的碎折以及伴隨而來的脊髓截斷,不可避免地會給予人身神經中樞以強烈刺激,從而引起海綿體的彈性細孔急速膨脹,促使血液瞬時注入在人體解剖學上稱為陰莖即男性生殖器的這一部位。其結果是:在頸骨斷襲導致死亡的那一瞬間169 ,誘發出專家稱之為「生殖器病態地向前上方多產性勃起」這一現象。
  18. In an increasingly militarised atmosphere, private paramilitary armies the ulster volunteer force and the irish volunteers marched and drilled, and hostilities between the two were only averted by the outbreak of the first world war and the consequent postponement of home rule

  19. In his childhood he had suffered from the scanty living consequent upon bad times, and improvident habits.

  20. Secondly, detailedly analyzing reasons inducing these problems, author finds it is that not thinking of the slope of pipeline and the friction in the process of producing water hammer pressure functions, but, thinking of the effect of the slope of pipeline in the process of producing the consequent water hammer calculative continuity function, which results in the inconsequent illogicality in the whole process of producing
