copse 中文意思是什麼

copse 解釋
n. 名詞 = coppice.
  1. The general, whose regiment had been inspected at braunau, submitted to the prince that as soon as the engagement began, he had fallen back from the copse, mustered the men who were cutting wood, and letting them pass by him, had made a bayonet charge with two battalions and repulsed the french

  2. The fifth company was bivouacking close up to the birch copse

  3. After passing in the smoke through the sixth corps behind the artillery, which had been moved forward and was keeping up a deafening cannonade, they rode into a small copse

  4. Coppice ( copse ) a woodland managed for wood production by cutting trees back to ground level at regular intervals ( usually 10 - 15 years ) and allowing adventitious shoots to grow up from the base

    萌生林(雜樹林) :在森林更新作業中,由樹木的定期伐樁(通常是10 15年)和根萌蘗而形成的森林。
  5. In the british isles and western europe it is common copse and hedge plant.

  6. At any moment, it seemed, a body of horsemen might be seen breaking out from the black copse.

  7. On the left the horizon was bounded by the copse close by

  8. There is a mouse in that copse

  9. The french were attacking the soldiers gathering wood in the copse

  10. The ambulance station consisted of three tents, pitched at the edge of a birch copse

  11. As soon as they entered the copse, lady catherine began in the following manner : -

  12. " if you are looking for my master, ma am, he is walking towards the little copse.

    「小姐,你們是在找主人吧,他正往小樹林里去散步呢。 」
  13. They halted, half - an - hour afterwards, in a copse, some five hundred feet from the pagoda, where they were well concealed ; but they could hear the groans and cries of the fakirs distinctly

  14. They proceeded in silence along the gravel walk that led to the copse ; elizabeth was determined to make no effort for conversation with a woman who was now more than usually insolent and disagreeable

  15. Since there was nothing to be said, and neither was willing to give the other grounds for asserting that he was the first to withdraw from under fire, they might have remained a long while standing there, mutually testing each others pluck, if there had not at that moment been heard in the copse, almost behind them, the snap of musketry and a confused shout of voices

  16. I know thou art great and that its a sin to pray to thee about this, but for gods sake do make the old wolf come out upon me, and make karay fix his teeth in his throat and finish him before the eyes of uncle, who is looking this way. a thousand times over in that half - hour, with intent, strained, and uneasy eyes rostov scanned the thickets at the edge of the copse with two scraggy oaks standing up above the undergrowth of aspen, and the ravine with its overhanging bank, and uncles cap peering out from behind a bush on the right

    我知道你很偉大,請求你做這件事真是罪過但是看在上帝份上,做一件好事,叫那隻大狼鉆到我面前來,叫卡拉伊當著向那邊觀察的大叔的面,拚命地咬住大狼的喉嚨。 」就在這半個鐘頭以內,羅斯托夫用那緊張而不安的逼視的目光千次地打量森林的邊緣,一些別種幼樹夾雜在山楊樹中間,上面聳立著兩顆稀疏的橡樹,他還注視著被雨水沖掉邊緣的溝壑以及右面那座灌木林后依稀可辨的大叔的皮帽。
  17. On the left our troops were close to a copse, where there was the smoke of the camp - fires of our infantry, chopping wood in it

  18. She went to the wood next day. it was a grey, still afternoon, with the dark - green dogs - mercury spreading under the hazel copse, and all the trees making a silent effort to open their buds

  19. The militiamen carried prince andrey to the copse, where there were vans and an ambulance station

  20. In this copse of birch - and pine - trees, on the right of the road, could be seen far away the shining cross and belfry of the kolotsky monastery
