courland 中文意思是什麼

courland 解釋
  1. Duchy of courland

  2. When sweden lost northern latvia to russia in 1721, and the duchy of courland replaced its polish ties with russian control in 1795, russia finally gained its window to the west

    1721年瑞典將北部拉脫維亞輸給了俄羅斯, 1795年庫爾蘭( courland )公國丟棄了與波蘭的聯系,轉而接受俄羅斯的控制,俄羅斯也最終獲取了其「西部之窗」 。
  3. Latvia s own seafarers, often refered to as the vikings from the western coastland of courland, were so feared in denmark that danish churchgoers would pray to god each sunday to protect them from pestilence and the dreaded cours

    拉脫維亞的本土水手,通常被稱為來自庫爾蘭( courland )西部海岸的海盜,在丹麥如此聲名狼藉,丹麥人每周日去教堂要祈求上帝保佑他們不受「瘟疫和可怕的庫爾( cour )人」的淫虐。