danzig 中文意思是什麼

danzig 解釋
n. 名詞 但澤〈波蘭港口,波蘭語叫 Gdansk〉。

  1. The danzig trilogy three titles yasunari kawabata collection ten titles higashiyama kaii collection five titles

  2. Guide to china s cultural and historical relics ten titles the danzig trilogy three titles nobel literature laureates series 20 titles

  3. G nter grass, one renowned postwar german writer, wins the 99th nobel prize for literature by his " danzig trilogy " ( tannum tambour, cat and mouse, dog years )

    摘要君特?格拉斯是一位著名的戰后德國文學家,他以其主要作品《但澤三部曲》 ( 《鐵皮鼓》 、 《貓與鼠》 、 《狗年月》 )獲得了1999年諾貝爾文學獎。
  4. It then arrested public attention by art works. its success continued as it moved into publishing chinese literature. its successes include nobel literature laureates series, foreign literary classics series, twentieth century french literature series, foreign human body art series, pearl buck collection, a complete guide to chinese and foreign prose poems, the danzig trilogy, collection of the year series, romance of the guangxi warlords, taiping heavenly kingdom, the account of jindou, heaven and earth, les fleurs du mal, liu yong and liu xuan series, how the steel was tempered, the gadfly, and the series of contemporary guangxi ethnic minority writers

    本社所出版的「獲諾貝爾文學獎作家叢書」 「外國文學名著系列」 「 20世紀法國文學叢書」 「外國人體美術叢書」 「賽珍珠作品集」中外散文詩鑒賞大觀「但澤三部曲」 「年選大系」桂系演義太平天國金斗紀事皇天后土惡之花「劉墉劉軒作品系列」鋼鐵是怎樣煉成的牛虻「廣西當代少數民族作家叢書」等圖書深受讀者喜愛,產生十分深廣的影響。
  5. And assuring him with sincerity that he had no desire of war, and would always love and honour him, he set off to join the army, and at every station gave fresh commands, hastening the progress of his army from west to east. he drove a travelling carriage, drawn by six horses and surrounded by pages, adjutants, and an armed escort, along the route by posen, thorn, danzig, and knigsberg

    雖然外交家們仍堅信和平的可能性並為達到此目的而孜改不倦地努力工作,雖然拿破崙皇帝親自給亞歷山大皇帝寫信,稱他為mon sieur mon frre並誠懇地保證他不希望戰爭,他永遠愛他,尊敬他可他仍動身追趕軍隊,每到一站都發出新的命令,催促軍隊由西向東快速挺進。
  6. But though he believed so implicitly that he was king of naples, and sympathised with his subjects grief at losing him, after he had been commanded to return to the service, and especially after his interview with napoleon at danzig, when his most august brother - in - law had said, i have made you king that you may rule in my way, and not in your own, he had cheerfully resumed his familiar duties ; and, like a well - fed, but not over - fed stallion feeling himself in harness, prancing in the shafts, and decked out in all possible motley magnificence, he went galloping along the roads of poland, with no notion where or why he was going

    盡管他堅信他是那不勒斯王,對即將與之離別的臣民的悲傷覺得抱歉,但最近,在他奉命又回軍隊之後,特別是在丹澤ohisut見到拿破崙之後,當至尊的舅子對他說: 「 je vous ai fait roi pour rgner ma manire , mais pas la voatre 」 ,他愉快地從事起他熟悉的事業,像一匹上了膘,但卻長得不太肥的馬,感到自己被套起來,在車轅中撒歡,並打扮得盡可能的華貴,歡歡喜喜,得意洋洋地沿著波蘭的大道奔跑,而自己卻不知道何處去和為什麼。