decreasing amplitude 中文意思是什麼

decreasing amplitude 解釋
  • decreasing : 遞減
  • amplitude : n. 1. 廣闊,廣大。2. 豐富,充足。3. (思想的)廣度。4. (天體出沒時偏離正東或正西的)角度距離。5. 【物,電】振幅。
  1. All the 4 extractions showed obvious pharmacological effects by decreasing the area of myocardial infraction of the model rats, increasing the amount of blood stream of the isolated guinea - pig hearts and reducing the beating rate and amplitude of cultured myocardial sheets of mice

    方法:採用冠狀動脈結扎致大鼠急性心肌缺血模型,觀察革葉獼猴桃果實70 %乙醇提取物、正己烷部位、氯仿部位及正丁醇部位對急性心肌梗塞范圍的影響,同時觀察上述部位對豚鼠離體心臟冠脈流量及小鼠胚胎心肌培養細胞功能的影響。
  2. This results in a decreasing amplitude in the first case and constant amplitude in the second.
