diametrically opposite 中文意思是什麼

diametrically opposite 解釋
  • diametrically : 絕對地
  • opposite : adj 1 相對的,對面的;對立的。2 背對背的,面對面的 (with); 正相反的,敵對的;不相容的 (to; fro...
  1. " true, " replied the marquise, without wincing in the slightest degree at the tragic remembrance thus called up ; " but bear in mind, if you please, that our respective parents underwent persecution and proscription from diametrically opposite principles ; in proof of which i may remark, that while my family remained among the stanchest adherents of the exiled princes, your father lost no time in joining the new government ; and that while the citizen noirtier was a girondin, the count noirtier became a senator.

    「不錯, 」侯爵夫人回答,這個被喚醒的悲慘的記憶絲毫沒使她動容, 「但我要請您記住,我們兩家的父親雖然同時被害,但他們各自的原因卻是大相徑庭的。為了證明這一點,我來把舊事重新提一遍:親王指路易十八被流放的時候,我的家庭成員依舊是他忠誠的臣僕,而你的父親卻迫不及待的去投奔了新政府,公民瓦蒂成為吉倫特黨以後,就搖身一變成了瓦蒂埃伯爵,並以上議員和政治家的姿態出現了。 」
  2. The american and soviet governments drew diametrically opposite conclusions from it.

  3. But the herbs used by the imperial doctors were enriching and slimy in properties, which acted in a diametrically opposite way

  4. `they pointed out that two diametrically opposite explanations are possible.

  5. Tenants injured or murdered in hotels frequently found newspaper headlines, but the judicial judgments for the same kind cases are widely divergent, even diametrically opposite. there are deep gaps in the understanding of such issues in the law theorists, too

  6. This is evident from the spherical model when the two points are diametrically opposite.

  7. For example, it points out that night prevails diametrically opposite to a point where it is day

  8. A point on the celestial sphere directly below the observer, diametrically opposite the zenith

  9. Although professing diametrically opposite principles from those of the editor of the other paper, beauchamp - as it sometimes, we may say often, happens - was his intimate friend

  10. I mentioned that, as predominantly a builder of american traditional and popular steel - string guitars, i had found the dilemma diametrically opposite : full and disciplined basses were the challenge on the robustly constructed steel - string guitar

  11. We preach the sacredness of marriage and the importance of family but the dominating culture goes in the diametrically opposite direction : disordered relations between man and woman, the family shaken at its foundation, the lack of desire to have childrenwhat disaster is all this going to prepare for tomorrow we may not dare to imagine
