disenchant 中文意思是什麼

disenchant 解釋
vt. 及物動詞 使清醒,使擺脫幻想,使不再著迷。
The harshness of everyday reality disenchanted him of his idealistic hopes. 冷酷的日常現實使他從理想主義的幻夢中清醒過來。
He will be disenchanted with her. 他對她將不再著迷。
n. 名詞 -ment
  1. Disenchant - damages all summoned units in an area

  2. Spirit walker - tauren caster who can shift between the corporeal and spirit worlds. can cast spirit link, disenchant, and ancestral spirit

    靈魂行者-可以在肉體狀態和靈魂狀態之間變換的牛頭人法師.可以使用"靈魂鏈接" , "清醒" ,和"先古之魂"