downs syndrome 中文意思是什麼

downs syndrome 解釋
  • downs : 白堊山丘
  • syndrome : n. 1. 【醫學】綜合癥,癥候群。2. (某一事物的)全部特徵;特徵群;(具有某種共同性的不同事物的)集合。
  1. Consequently, an excess number of otherwise normal pregnancies would be recommended to undergo definitive testing to ensure as many downs syndrome fetuses could be detected prenatally. however, conventional definitive genetic testing employs invasive methods, such as amniocentesis to obtain fetal tissue for testing, thus carrying a risk to the fetus

    但傳統的基因測試,例如羊膜穿刺術(俗稱抽羊胎水)屬入侵性診斷方法,即是要用針穿過母體進入子宮,抽取胎兒細胞,會為孕婦帶來一定的風險(例如流產) 。
  2. Using a novel approach based on the measurement of the ratio of such rna molecules copied from gene copies which the fetus has inherited from the father and mother, professor lo and his team have achieved the noninvasive prenatal detection of downs syndrome

    盧煜明教授率領的研究組利用第二十一號染色體其中的一個基因所表達的核糖核酸( rna )分子,精密地計算出胎兒由父親及母親遺傳下來的核糖核酸分子的比例,成功進行無創性產前唐氏綜合癥測試。
  3. What is the involvement of amyloid in the course and symptoms of downs ' syndrome

  4. Conventional testing for downs syndrome involves the use of a combination of ultrasound and blood hormone testing to identify pregnancies that should be recommended for further definitive genetic testing

  5. Breakthrough in downs syndrome testing

  6. Breakthrough in downs syndrome testing opens to non - invasive prenatal diagnosis

  7. A. direct noninvasive detection of fetal downs syndrome from a mothers blood sample b

    1 .由母親的血液樣本可直接及無創傷地檢查胎兒有否唐氏綜合癥;
  8. Downs syndrome testing is a major reason why many pregnant women opt for prenatal testing

  9. While the current, still experimental test can only be used for a proportion of tested cases, this would already theoretically allow the halving of the number of invasive tests which would be needed for downs syndrome testing
