eculation 中文意思是什麼

eculation 解釋
  1. His pledge has fueled endle eculation about his pla, prompting him to say in may that he would give ample time to his chosen succe or, finance minister gordon brown, to settle in before the next general election

    他的許諾引起了關於他離職計劃的各種猜測,這使得布萊爾不得不在5月份做出回應,他說,他會讓他的繼任者? ?現任財務大臣戈登?布朗在下屆大選前有充分的時間做好接任準備。
  2. Erik on himself rejected eculation his tenure with the rome club could be cut short

  3. " the recent a reciation was largely triggered by the growing eculation that the authorities are likely to widen the daily trading band, " said li yongsen, an economist with renmin university of china

    中國人民大學的經濟學家李永森說: "新一輪人民幣升值主要和不斷增多的關于政府可能將擴大每日交易波幅的猜測有關。
  4. His actio have done little to quell the eculation

  5. At first, this discu ion of incentives and seat belts might seem like idle eculation

  6. The principles of succe ful commodity eculation is based on the su osition that people will continue in the future to make the mistakes that they have made in the past

  7. It is a safe bet that the money lost by ( short term ) eculation is small compared with the gigantic sums lost by those who let their investments “ ride ”

    可以這么說,比起那些讓他們的投資「隨波逐流」的人所損失的巨額款項來, (短線)的投機所損失的還是小數目。
  8. The most difficult task in eculation is not prediction but self - control. succe ful trading is difficult and frustrating. you are the most important element in the succe equation

  9. The renmi i yesterday strengthened to below 7. 90 agai t the us dollar, partially because of growing eculation that the government will soon expand the band within which the currency is allowed to fluctuate

    9月28日,人民幣兌美元匯率首次突破7 . 9元關口,這和不斷增多的關于政府不久將擴大人民幣匯率浮動空間的各種猜測有關。