eglinton 中文意思是什麼

eglinton 解釋
  1. The leaning of sophists towards the bypaths of apocrypha is a constant quantity, john eglinton detected

    好樣兒的培根214 。已經發了霉。莎士比亞即培根這一牽強附會的說法。
  2. The devil and the deep sea. - he will have it that hamlet is a ghoststory, john eglinton said for mr best s behoof. like the fat boy in pickwick he wants to make our flesh creep

    「他想把哈姆萊特說成是個鬼怪故事, 」約翰埃格林頓替貝斯特先生解釋說, 「像匹克威克里的胖小子似的,他想把我們嚇得毛骨悚然。
  3. Undaunted john eglinton exclaimed. when all is said dumas fils or is it dumas pre ? is right

    無所畏懼的約翰埃格林頓喊叫著說, 「歸根結底,小仲馬也許是大仲馬493吧? 」
  4. We want to hear more, john eglinton decided with mr best s approval. we begin to be interested in mrs s. till now we had thought of her, if at all, as a patient griselda, a penelope stayathome

    在這之前,即便我們想到過她,也不過把她看作是一位有耐心的克雨雪達304 ,留守家中的潘奈洛佩305 。 」
  5. Put beurla on it, littlejohn. quoth littlejohn eglinton

  6. Why is the underplot of king lear in which edmund figures lifted out of sidney s arcadia and spatchcocked on to a celtic legend older than history ? - that was will s way, john eglinton defended

    李爾王中愛德蒙登場的插話取自錫德尼的阿卡迪亞,為什麼要把它填補到比歷史還古老的凱爾特傳說中去呢? 」
  7. That model schoolboy, stephen said, would find hamlet s musings about the afterlife of his princely soul, the improbable, insignificant and undramatic monologue, as shallow as plato s. john eglinton, frowning, said, waxing wroth

    「那個模範學生會認為, 」斯蒂芬說, 「哈姆萊特王子針對自己靈魂的來世所作的冥想,那難以置信毫不足取平淡無奇的獨白,簡直跟柏拉圖一樣淺薄。 」
  8. Unwed, unfancied, ware of wiles, they fingerponder nightly each his variorum edition of the taming of the shrew. - you are a delusion, said roundly john eglinton to stephen. you have brought us all this way to show us a french triangle

    「你這是謬論, 」約翰埃格林頓率直地對斯蒂芬說, 「你帶著我們兜了半天圈子,不過是讓我們看到一個法國式的三角關系。
  9. A shrew, john eglinton said shrewdly, is not a useful portal of discovery, one should imagine. what useful discovery did socrates learn from xanthippe

    「很難想像, 」約翰埃格林頓卓有見識地說, 「潑婦會是個有用的認識之門。
  10. John eglinton laughed. - yes, i suppose it would be, he said. excellent people, no doubt, but distressingly shortsighted in some matters

    「對,依我看就是這樣, 」他說, 「毫無疑問,那是個優秀的民族,可在某些事物上,目光又短淺得令人厭煩。 」
  11. You make good use of the name, john eglinton allowed. your own name is strange enough. i suppose it explains your fantastical humour

    「你善於在名字上做文章, 」約翰埃格林頓承認道, 「你自己的名字也夠別致的了。
  12. Mummed in names : a. e., eon : magee, john eglinton

    隱姓埋名: ae ,永恆。馬吉是約翰埃格林頓217 。
  13. Antiquity mentions famous beds, second eglinton puckered, bedsmiling. let me think. - antiquity mentions that stagyrite schoolurchin and bald heathen sage, stephen said, who when dying in exile frees and endows his slaves, pays tribute to his elders, wills to be laid in earth near the bones of his dead wife and bids his friends be kind to an old mistress don t forget nell gwynn herpyllis and let her live in his villa

    「古人記載著那個斯塔基萊特的頑童和禿頭的異教賢人的事, 」斯蒂芬說, 「他在流亡中彌留時,釋放了他的奴隸們,留給他們資財,頌揚祖先,在遺囑中要求把自已合葬在亡妻的遺骨旁邊,並託付友人好生照顧他生前的情婦不要忘記內爾格溫赫爾派利斯,讓她住在他的別墅里。
  14. The rest shall keep as they are. he laughed, unmarried, at eglinton johannes, of arts a bachelor

  15. He repeated to john eglinton s newgathered frown

  16. The schoolmen were schoolboys first, stephen said superpolitely. aristotle was once plato s schoolboy. - and has remained so, one should hope, john eglinton sedately said

    「學者也得先當學生呀, 」斯蒂芬極其客氣地說, 「亞理斯多德就曾經是柏拉圖的學生。 」
  17. I came through the museum, buck mulligan said. was he here ? - the bard s fellowcountrymen, john eglinton answered, are rather tired perhaps of our brilliancies of theorising

    「我是從博物館穿過來的, 」勃克穆利根說, 「他來過這兒嗎? 」
  18. Have you found those six brave medicals, john eglinton asked with elder s gall, to write paradise lost at your dictation

    約翰埃格林頓10以長者的刻薄口氣問道, 「好叫他們把失樂園11筆錄下來。
  19. Our young irish bards, john eglinton censured, have yet to create a figure which the world will set beside saxon shakespeare s hamlet though i admire him, as old ben did, on this side idolatry

    「咱們愛爾蘭的年輕詩人們, 」約翰埃格林頓告誡說, 「還得塑造出一位將被世人譽為能與薩克遜佬莎士比亞的哈姆萊特相媲美的人物。
  20. We shall see you tonight, john eglinton said
