federalist 中文意思是什麼

federalist 解釋
  1. While politically the jeffersonians won power, in letters the conservative federalist viewpoint seemed far more ably presented.

  2. To supply this need the federalist and republican parties quickly took shape, the one looking to hamilton and the other to jefferson for inspiration.

  3. Washington's farewell address, madison's federalist paper no. 10 and jefferson's first inaugural address provide insight into the early spirit of american public administration.

  4. Name one of the writers of the federalist papers

  5. World federalist association

  6. We swore allegiance to mexico under the federalist constitution of 1 824

  7. The federalist papers are regarded as the best explanation of the constitution as well as one of the most important works on political theory

  8. Washington ' s farewell address, madison ' s federalist paper no. 10 and jefferson ' s first inaugural address provide insight into the early spirit of american public administration

    華盛頓的《告別詞》 、麥迪遜的《聯邦主義者文集》第十號和傑斐遜《首任總統就職演講詞》使人洞悉美國早期政府行政的精神。
  9. With that, the federalist - separatist divide that has defined the french - speaking province ' s politics and infected the politics of the rest of english - speaking canada for more than a generation may become a thing of the past

  10. Like an increasing number of quebeckers, mr dumont refuses to define himself as either a federalist or a separatist

  11. The jeffersonian republican - controlled united states senate begins an impeachment trial against federalist - partisan supreme court of the united states justice samuel chase
