flashbacks 中文意思是什麼

flashbacks 解釋
  1. The events that led up to the murder were shown in a series of flashbacks.

  2. You know what ? let ' s just watch some flashbacks

  3. To portray the inner world of the rugby hero, lindsay anderson deliberately depicts frank s different facial expressions inside and outside the court with intercuts of close - ups and flashbacks

  4. Flashbacks of bustin caps, anything for money where am i goin i discovered, can t nothin save me

  5. Once a certain threshold is reached, either through one or two very traumatic events or through chronic, high levels of stress, adults and children can begin to exhibit ptsd symptoms such as re - experience ( including flashbacks, intrusive thoughts or nightmares ), avoidance and emotional numbing, and physiological hyperarousal ( such as an elevated resting heart rate )

    一旦經受一項或兩項創傷性事件或慢性高水平應激后達到某個閾限,成人和兒童便開始出現ptsd的癥狀如再體驗(包括重現、侵入性思維或夢魘) 、迴避和情感麻木,以及生理的高覺醒狀態(如靜止時心率加快) 。
  6. Persistent discomfort feelings that occur after experiencing or witnessing a traumatic event such as physical abuse, war or disaster. nightmares, flashbacks, feeling irritable and anger are common

  7. Timeline : flashbacks are pre - war , the present - day stuff is the future. wait , i confused myself

  8. A woman living in modern hong kong experience flashbacks of an earlier life, in which she was a chinese beauty named golden lotus. slowly, the events from her previous existence begin to re - enact themselves in the modern world. in both in carnations, lotus is abused by the men in her life

  9. In the years following his successful assassination of a serbian warlord in late - 90s kosovo, hallam finds himself plagued by traumatic flashbacks of death and destruction, so much so that when he finally returns home, he regresses into a feral, survivalist state in the woods of the pacific northwest

  10. Where united 93 told us nothing more about the characters than was revealed in the real - time unfolding of events onscreen, making everything that happened disorienting and surprising, world trade center gives us the traditional hero introduction to the characters, with flashbacks to show us their family relationships

    《 93號航班》沒有敘述關于角色的事情,而是紀實的展現時間,使得所有的事情都發生的令人迷惘驚奇, 《世貿中心》卻給我們一個傳統的英雄角色,倒敘他的家庭情況。
  11. As paul begins to dig through his late father s sanctuary of secrets, cryptic flashbacks are revealed of the family s troubled history

  12. He has flashbacks of broken glass flying back into shape, vickie gasping in fear and pain, and a bloody knife rising

  13. Moreover, the amygdala sends projections to the sensory cortices as well, which may explain, in part, why sensations seem so vivid when we are in certain emotional states ? or perhaps why sensory memories ( flashbacks ) occur in victims of trauma

    不只如此,杏仁體也有神經投射到感覺皮質,這也部份解釋了為什麼我們處于某種情緒狀態時,感覺特別鮮明,或是為什麼遭受過創傷的人,會出現感覺的記憶(現場突然重現) 。
  14. With ptsd, a frightening, life - threatening event such as an accident, serious violence ( such as rape, abuse, shooting, or gang violence ), or a natural disaster ( such as an earthquake, tornado, hurricane ) causes such a severe fear response that the person may experience flashbacks, nightmares, or constant fear, worry, and stress after the fact

    創傷后壓力癥表現為,一場可怕的威脅生命的事件(比如意外事故、象* * 、虐待、槍擊、流氓暴力等嚴重暴行)或一場自然災難(如地震、龍卷風、颶風等)造成極其強烈的恐懼反應,以致於事後當事人的腦中還不時閃現過去的片斷、惡夢並產生持續性恐懼、擔心和壓力。
  15. Once a certain threshold is reached, either through one or two ery traumatic eents or through chronic, high leels of stress, adults and children can begin to exhibit ptsd symptoms such as re - experience ( including flashbacks, intrusie thoughts or nightmares ), aoidance and emotional numbing, and physiological hyperarousal ( such as an eleated resting heart rate )

    在一兩個創傷事件后或長期的高應激下,一旦達到某個特定的閾值,成年人和兒童都會出現創傷后精神障礙癥狀,比如重現(包括幻覺重現,強迫思維或夢魘) ,逃避,情緒麻木和過度生理反應(如靜息心率增加) 。
  16. Flashbacks are a common symptom of stress amongst survivors of events such as plane crashes
