greyer 中文意思是什麼

greyer 解釋
  1. Flycatcher : blue - and - white, it looked suspiciously " orange " in the first photos of it to appear on this site, rather greyer and more " usual " in later ones

    ? :白腹琉璃,這個地點的頭幾張照片看起來是令人懷疑的"橘" ,後面幾張則比較灰也比較"正常"
  2. I have little experience of dark - throated thrushes ( a mere three ), but they have appeared to be somewhat plainer and greyer above with cleaner flanks and a more distinct boundary between the colour ( black or red ) of the throat and the remainder of the breast

    對赤頸鶇我經驗不多(只有三隻) ,但它們看起來背部有點較素較灰,有較乾凈的脅部,以及喉部和胸部的顏色(黑色或紅色)之間有更明顯的界線