hermes 中文意思是什麼

hermes 解釋
HERMES = Heavy Element Radioactive Material Electromagnetic Separator 重放射性同位素電磁分離器。
the Hermes spaceplan郝耳墨斯航天飛機〈歐洲太空署正在研製的一種太空太空梭〉。

  1. As coronis lay on her funeral pyre, hermes played the obstetrician ( virtually his only medical act ) and delivered the infant aesculapius from her womb

    當克洛尼斯被安置在火葬木堆上時,赫爾墨斯擔任產科醫生(事實上這是他唯一一次從事醫生職業) ,從她的子宮里取出嬰兒伊斯蔻雷皮亞斯。
  2. According to legend, hermes was born in a cave on mount cyllene in arcadia

  3. Dressed up as a shepherd, hermes lulled argus to sleep with his sweet songs and long stories, then killed him and set io free

  4. A " caduceus " represents hermes staff and medicine ! !

    Caduceus代表海爾梅斯權杖和藥物! ! !
  5. The caduceus began as the magical rod of the greek messenger - god hermes ( or the roman god, mercury )

  6. In fact, the romans used the caduceus as a symbol of peace, and described a myth in which hermes ( mercury ) threw his rod between two fighting snakes and stopped their battle, at which point they wrapped themselves around the wand

  7. Unfortunately, there is one final significance of the caduceus that should appeal to no one and is horrifying when connected to the medical profession, for it was the duty of hermes, caduceus in hand, to lead the souls of the dead to the underworld

    不幸的是,赫爾墨斯蛇杖還有一個重要意義,如果和醫生這個職業聯系起來,會變得很恐怖,沒人會再感興趣? ?因為手持蛇杖,引領死者的靈魂前往冥界,是赫爾墨斯的職責。
  8. Hermes saved odysseus from both calypso and circe, by convincing the first to let odysseus go and then protecting him from the latter by bestowing upon him an herb that would protect him from circe ' s spell

  9. In addition, hermes brought eurydice back to hades after orpheus looked back towards his wife for a second time

  10. Three pairs of three - quarter length, hermes glaces kid gloves

  11. Three pairs of three - quarter length, hermes glaces kid gloves.

  12. I know my brother. faithful only to hermes

  13. She had a hermes bag. red crocodile

  14. Mother said she ' s showing off an expensive hermes bag

  15. Apart from herms, hermes was a popular subject for artists

  16. Hermes stole a number of the herd and drove them back to greece

  17. Unable so unhappy, zeus sent hermes down to destroy the monster

  18. Hermes - ancient mystery school teachings - the hermetic orders - which is linked with alchemy of consciousness - moving to a higher frequency of thought - releasing the hermetic seals at the end of time - or the illusion of time - the release of the soul from the physical form

    赫密士? ?古代神秘學校的教導? ?隱藏的秩序? ?與意識的煉金術相連? ?移向更高頻率的思想? ?在最後時刻釋放密封的封印? ?或者時間的幻想? ?靈魂從肉體的形態釋放出來。
  19. As the story is told in the homeric hymn, the hymn to hermes, maia was a nymph, but greeks generally applied the name to a midwife or a wise and gentle old woman, so the nymph appears to have been an ancient one, one of the pleiades taking refuge in a cave of arcadia

  20. Hermes was usually portrayed wearing a broad - brimmed traveller ' s hat or a winged cap ( petasos or more commonly petasus ), wearing winged sandals ( talaria ) and carrying his near eastern herald ' s staff, entwined by copulating serpents, called the kerykeion, more familiar in its latinized form, the caduceus

    赫密士通常被描繪成截著寬邊的施行帽或者是有翼的帽(古希臘的寬邊帽或者更普通的寬邊帽) ,穿上有翼涼鞋,帶著作為近東使者的棒子,被連接的大毒蛇纏繞著,稱為赫凱里奧,更接近於拉丁化的形式,墨兵利神的手杖。