hurricane andrew 中文意思是什麼

hurricane andrew 解釋
  • hurricane : n. 1. 颶風,十二級風。2. 颶風般猛烈的東西;(憤怒或其他感情等的)爆發。3. 〈H-〉〈英國〉颶風式戰斗驅逐機。
  • andrew : n. 安德魯〈男子名〉。
  1. The awesome power of storms such as august 1992 ’ s hurricane andrew can trump even the best weather experts, such as j. with heartbreaking results

  2. August 23, 1992 : hurricane andrew ? when the madrid conference moves to washington dc and the peace talks resume, hurricane andrew, the worst natural disaster ever to hit america, comes ashore and produces an estimated $ 30 billion in damage and leaving 180, 000 homeless in florida

    當馬德里會議移到華盛特區並確認和談,安德魯颶風- -有史以來最惡劣的天然災害打擊美國,登岸並造成約300億美元的損失和18萬人無家可歸。