justine 中文意思是什麼

justine 解釋
  1. Travelers sami sabiti and justine shapiro return to south africa to see how much the rainbow mation has changed in the decade since apartheid. starting in the beautiful cape town they travel to robben islad to see where nelson mandela was imprisoned. after a stop in kimberly, sami does on to the tribal lands of limpopo while justine heads east to afrikaner oudtshoorn and on to durban before meeting the wildlife of kruger national park. they end their journey in johannesburg

  2. Traveler justine shapiro embarks on an historic journey across england, exploring its rich past still remembered and alive today, while jonathan atherton decides to explore london, europe ' s largest capital, a vibrant mix of history culture, and rock and roll, spiced up by the influence of over 200 different nationalities

    在本輯中,知名導游賈斯廷?夏皮羅將帶領我們展開一段橫跨項格蘭的神奇歷史之旅,我們將從哈斯丁戰役遺址展開行程,沿著海岸前往布來頓,在歐洲最大首都- -倫敦稍作停留後,轉往約克夏荒地,走訪英格蘭北界,前往利物浦,最後在傳說中的亞瑟王誕生地廷塔哲結束旅程。
  3. Dane had taken a fancy to him, hung on his words, lingered near him; justine was plain jealous.

  4. Justine kept doggedly to her place at the rail until the wharf was a few hard lines and little pink pinheads in the distance.

  5. Traveler justine shapiro begins her stay in one of the world ' s gastronomic erters learning the secrets of french haute cuisine. the following day she takes in the sites on foot before enjoying a traditional parisian cabaret. after an expensive shopping trip she spends her final day taking in the famous galleries and museums ending at the louvre, home of the mona lisa

    在本輯節目中,我們將與賈思汀?夏皮羅一起徙步瀏覽這個充滿魅力的現代大都市,我們將在巴黎一所世界級烹飪中心學習法式大紫色的烹飪秘訣,在巴黎美麗迷人的夜空下享受傳統盛大的歌舞表演,在經歷完一次昂貴而刺激的瘋狂購物之後,細細參觀市區著名的畫廊與博物館,最後進入蒙娜麗莎的故鄉- - -舉世聞名的盧浮宮,一睹諸多世界藝術珍品的真實面目。
  6. Look, justine, i hate to be a spoilsport and truly i don't mean to hurt your feelings.

  7. He thought, as he walked the warm roman night after depositing justine in her pension.

  8. "do you disapprove, nanna?" justine growled, ready to do battle.

  9. Justine ' s great tennis season has got even better

  10. Justine henin ? hardenne : yeah, i ' m very happy about that, for sure, because two months ago i was n ' t sure if i was going to be able to come here

  11. Entry clearance managers : stephen brown and justine elder

    副領事(簽證及移民事務) :安寧
  12. Justine : and why do you want to work at the plaza hotel

  13. This is stupid, justine - come on, come on

  14. Justine henin ? hardenne : a little bit

  15. " do you disapprove, nanna ? " justine growled, ready to do battle

    「你不贊成嗎?外婆? 」賈斯丁咆哮著,準備開戰了。
  16. Justine henin ? hardenne : yeah, it ' s great to play this kind of match, very quick

  17. Justine henin ? hardenne : yeah, i think i ' m very happy the way i played for the first week

  18. I think it ' s much better for everyone. justine henin ? hardenne : i do n ' t care about this

  19. I do prefer that a little bit. justine henin ? hardenne : i ' ll have to play my best tennis, for sure

  20. Justine henin ? hardenne : i think it ' s toughest than at the us open because here the sun is very hot, it hits very hard
