kurdistan 中文意思是什麼

kurdistan 解釋
  1. The hunt oil company of dallas has become the first international company to receive permission to drill for oil in the kurdistan region of northern iraq since the local government issued an oil - and - gas law last month

  2. Mr. talabani, who is an iraqi kurd, says the u. s. would be welcome to establish long - term bases in the kurdistan autonomous region of northern iraq

  3. But the historical movements of the people from central asia and middle east to south asia have given to it a character of its own and have established closer relation between the people of pakistan and those of : iran, afghanistan, turkistan, tajikistan, turkmenistan, uzbekistan, kazakhistan, uighuristan, kyrghyzistan, tataristan, bashkiristan, daghistan, chechenistan, azerbaijan, kurdistan, arab lands or arabistan and turkey in the field of culture, religion, ethnicity, language, literature, food, dress, furniture and folklore

    但人民的歷史運動從中亞和南亞給了它它自己的字元和建立了密切關系在人民巴基斯坦和那些伊朗阿富汗塔吉克土庫曼烏茲別克斯坦kazakhistan uighuristan kyrghyzistan tataristan bashkiristan daghistan chechenistan亞塞拜然和土耳其之間在文化宗教種族語言文學食物禮服傢具和民間傳說領域。
  4. Through detailed reporting ? from closed nuclear cities in the southern urals to smuggler trails in kurdistan ? the author corrects many popular misunderstandings about the nuclear business

  5. In baghdad, capital of iraq, there are about 20 telecom workers besides the chinese diplomatic staff. hundreds of chinese workers are also in the kurdistan area of north iraq

    在伊拉克首都巴格達,除了中國外交官,另外還有大約20名電信公司的工人。在伊拉克北部的- -也有很多中國工人。
  6. The turks ' targets were kurdish fighters of the kurdistan workers ' party ( pkk ), who have used bases inside the semi - autonomous kurdish enclave in northern iraq to launch raids into turkey

    土耳其人的目標是庫爾德工人黨( pkk )的庫爾德武裝,他們使用位於伊拉克北部半自治的庫爾德地區向土耳其發動襲擊。
  7. Turkey ' s government, too, seems readier to accept the reality of an autonomous kurdistan in a federal iraq, even though the recent bombings are bound to stir anti - kurdish feelings anew

  8. Turkey ' s military said they have killed 41 kurdish rebels monday for a total 153 rebels and 17 turkish soldiers killed during fighting in northern iraqi kurdistan

  9. Turkey maintains kurdish extremists - members of the kurdistan workers party, known as the pkk - have been launching attacks from northern iraq on turkish military personnel and civilians

  10. The sunnis have been frowning for some time, especially since the government of iraqi kurdistan started signing independent oil extraction contacts with foreign companies, in total disregard of the baghdad government
