kurds 中文意思是什麼

kurds 解釋
  1. Independence for the kurds is anathema to turkey and iran

  2. The changes and developments of kurds ' separatism inclination after the iraqi war

  3. If the iraqi regime wishes peace, it will cease persecution of its civilian population, including shi a, sunnis, kurds, turkomans, and others, again as required by security council resolutions

  4. The coalition forces established a “ safe haven ” for the kurds inside northern iraq

  5. The slaughter began after kurds were accused of aiding iran during the iran - iraq war in the 1980s

  6. Rice met friday in irbil with massoud barzani, the president of iraq ' s northern kurdish autonomus region. she thanked him for the kurds " long cooperation with the united states. she also urged barzani to work with the government in baghdad to resolve the issue of sharing iraq ' s oil wealth

  7. The causes of the defeat were following : the turkish government which strived for establishing and strenthening a new national independent state and realizing modernization did not allow the kurdish separatism within its borders ; the kurds lost the support from the western countries because of the international changes ; the division of the kurds themselves

  8. In the early period after world war, the kurds had been untiringly fighting for the right of the national self - determination, many nationalists emerged, but their resistance ended unsuccessfully

  9. Had died in turkey during world war i and 30, 000 kurds had perished in recent decades. though the court dismissed the charges on a technicality, other writers and journalists are still being prosecuted under the article and can face a jail sentence of up to three years. " with all due respect to orhan pamuk, whose books i read and like, i believe his comments on the armenian

  10. After sending her a lot of " i miss you " texts, he ' s moved on. now he sends his aunt dozens of jokes, most of them at the expense of ethnic kurds

  11. Some of the fault lies on the turkish side : its reforms have slowed, prosecutions of writers for insulting turkishness have continued, renewed fighting has broken out with kurds and a new mood of nationalism has taken hold

  12. As far as ethnic groups go, arabs dominate the country ~ s makeup, while kurds compose to between 15 and 20percent of the population

  13. The kurds are a nation without a country

  14. Mr erdogan may also have to lobby some 20 independents, most of them nationalist kurds, who made it into the parliament

  15. Iraq entered " requiem of snow, " a kurdish language film from director jamil rostami about kurds praying for rain in a drought - parched area of the country

    伊拉克選送了一部由賈米勒?羅斯塔米執導的庫爾德語影片《雪的輓歌》 ,該片講述了伊拉克庫爾德人在乾燥炎熱的地區祈求上天降雨的故事。
  16. He still has a chance, however small, of recovering his government ' s authority, by being fair to the aggrieved sunnis, reassuring the kurds they can keep their autonomy, and holding firm against the insurgents

  17. Keeping mr hussein alive would also allow other trials detailing far greater evils than dujail to be completed ? such as the one, already begun, in which he stands accused of instigating the so - called anfal campaign against iraq ' s kurds, in which more than 100, 000 people may have been killed and millions uprooted

    免去海珊先生死刑,還能讓其它比杜賈爾村案更令人發指的案件繼續審訊下去? ?比如說已經開審的安法勒案,薩達姆被指控發動針對庫爾德人的所謂安法勒運動,造成了可能多達10萬人的喪生和數百萬人的流離失所。
  18. The beginning of the 90s was marked by war in the persian gulf, followed by the exodus of 1. 5 million iraqi kurds

    上個世紀90年代初爆發了波斯灣戰爭, 150萬伊拉克庫爾德人外逃。
  19. The chief prosecutor ( jaafar al - moussawi ) told the court today ( monday ) elderly people, women and children were sent to detention " not because they committed crimes but because they were kurds.

    首席公訴人星期一在法庭上說,老人、婦女和兒童被送去拘留, 「不是因為他們犯了罪,而是因為他們是庫爾德人」 。
  20. In exchange for american support for the limited turkish raids, and a promise to order the iraqi kurds to take action against the pkk, turkey ' s prime minister, recep tayyip erdogan, is thought to have made his own promises to george bush
