lambe 中文意思是什麼

lambe 解釋
  1. They never mentioned wang to lambe, and the teams did not make a deal until after the season. wang was not in the trade

  2. The town of nelsonville, in southern ohio, has become an “ artists ' mecca ” in recent years, according to will lambe, a research associate at the university of north carolina who is working on a book about small - town economic development ( which covers colquitt too )

    俄亥俄州南部的納爾遜維爾小鎮,最近幾年成為了「藝術家的麥加聖地」 ,這是一位叫做威爾?拉姆的副研究員所說的,他在北卡羅來納州立大學任職,最近在寫一本關于小城鎮經濟發展的書(這本書中也講到了科爾奎特) 。