lay 中文意思是什麼

音標 [lei]
lay 解釋
vt. 及物動詞 (laid;laying)1. 放,擱,擺。
lay oneself down 躺下。
2. 安排;預備;布置。
lay a fire 準備生火。
lay an ambush 設下埋伏。
lay a snare 設下陷阱。
lay mines 布雷,埋雷。
lay the table for breakfast 擺食具預備開早飯。
3. 鋪設;敷設;砌磚。
lay a pavement 鋪裝路面。
lay a railroad track 鋪鐵路軌道。
lay the foundations of 奠定…的基礎。
4. 產卵,生蛋。
lay eggs 下蛋,產卵。
5. 塗布,塗覆。
lay a wall with paint 用油漆塗墻。
lay plaster on the wall 在墻上塗灰泥。
6. 使負擔;抽稅,加處罰。
lay a burden on sb. 把負擔加在某人身上。
lay duties on imports 對進口貨抽稅。
7. 打倒。
lay sb. low 打敗某人。
The storm laid the crops. 暴風吹倒了莊稼。
8. 鎮壓,使靜下來。
A city is laid in the dust [in ashes, in ruins]. 全城化為灰燼[廢墟]。
water the street to lay the dust 街上灑水壓灰塵。
9. 歸罪,嫁禍。
lay the blame on sb. 責怪某人。
lay a fault to sb. 's charge [at sb. 's door] 歸咎于某人。
10. 想出,擬定。
lay one's plans 擬定計劃。
11. 提出,提示;申述(主張等)。
lay claim to sth. 對某物提出所有權要求。
lay an indictment 提起公訴。
lay the question before a committee 把問題提交委員會。
12. 規定(損害數量)。
lay the damage at £100. 確定損失為一百英鎊。
13. 打賭,下賭注。
lay a [bet] wager 下賭注。
I lay five dollars he will not come. 我賭五塊錢他不會來。
14. (將故事等的場面)放在(某地)。
The scene of the tale is laid in London. 名詞 故事發生在倫敦。
15. 埋,葬;平息;消除;平服。
lay sb. 's doubts 打消某人的疑慮。
16. 使處于某種狀態[地位]。
lay bare a scheme 揭露陰謀。
lay sb. under (an) obligation (to) 使某人對…承擔義務。
17. 打,砍。
lay one's axe to the tree 用斧頭砍樹。
18. (扭)絞;搓;編。
lay a hedge 把樹枝編成樹籬。
lay (up) a rope 搓繩。
19. 【軍事】瞄準(炮)。
vi. 不及物動詞 1. 生蛋。
The hens don't lay in this cold weather. 這樣冷的天氣雞不生蛋。
2. 打賭,保證。
lay on a horse race 賭跑馬。
3. 準備 (for). 4. 【航海】就位。
lay aft 到船尾就位。
5. 拚命干。
n. 名詞 1. 位置;方向;地理形勢。
the lay [lie] of the land 地形;形勢,局勢,事態。
2. 繩索的股數[擰法];(裁剪)鋪放。
3. 分紅,分配漁獲品。
4. 方針,計劃;〈俚語〉工作,職業,生意。
start a new lay 開始新的工作。
5. 〈美國〉代價,價格。
sell sth. at a good lay 以高價售出。
6. 層,隱蔽處。
7. 下蛋。
adj. 形容詞 1. 一般信徒的,俗人的,凡俗的 (opp. clerical)。
2. 無經驗的,外行(人)的 (opp. professional)。
3. 【紙牌】非主牌的,普通牌的。
n. 名詞 1. 民歌,民謠;短詩。
2. 歌曲;曲調;音樂的旋律;鳥的啼囀。

  • lay : vt (laid;laying)1 放,擱,擺。 lay oneself down 躺下。2 安排;預備;布置。 lay a fire 準備生火...
  1. She did not know that middleton abbey lay in the direction of his gaze.

  2. Each morning they lay abed till the breakfast bell, pleasantly conscious that there were no efficient wives to rouse them.

  3. An anglo - ethiopian boundary commission in the ogaden discovers an italian garrison at walwal, which lay well within ethiopian territory. this leads to the abyssinia crisis

  4. I can ' t lay my hands on the account book ? have you seen it

  5. We hope that our study will provide us with more comprehensive knowledge of the mechanisms of immune regulation and the roles that dc and complement play in innate and acquired immunity, as well as to lay a foundation for further exploration of the roles dc play in antigen - specific immune responses and immune tolerance from a new perspective. part i expression of complement receptors and complement - associated molecules on dendritic cells derived from distinct - origin at different stages of development two subsets of dendritic cells were generated from precursor cells isolated by means of magnetic cell separation system

    曰補體受體及其相關分子在modc上的表達不同分化階段的單核細胞衍生性dc ( monocytes一deriveddc , modc )的誘導:將新鮮分離的單核細胞mo ,在含有gm一csf和工l一4培養體系中誘導5一7d ,即分化為未成熟modc ;對培養至sd的未成熟modc ,用tnfa刺激zd ,即分化為成熟modc ;此時再用lps刺激24h ,即為活化的modc 。
  6. I just had to lay off three of my actuaries

  7. The jews who were in susa assembled also on the fourteenth day of the month adar and killed three hundred men in susa, but they did not lay their hands on the plunder

    斯9 : 15亞達月十四日、書珊的猶大人又聚集在書珊、殺了三百人卻沒有下手奪取財物。
  8. 2 squalor and poverty lay behind the city ' s glittering fa ? ade

  9. That memory, venus and adonis, lay in the bedchamber of every light - of - love in london. is katharine the shrew illfavoured

    維納斯與阿都尼中所描繪的那番記憶124 ,存在於倫敦每個蕩婦的寢室里。
  10. At half-time the advantage lay with them.

  11. As coronis lay on her funeral pyre, hermes played the obstetrician ( virtually his only medical act ) and delivered the infant aesculapius from her womb

    當克洛尼斯被安置在火葬木堆上時,赫爾墨斯擔任產科醫生(事實上這是他唯一一次從事醫生職業) ,從她的子宮里取出嬰兒伊斯蔻雷皮亞斯。
  12. As i lay in that dark hour, i was aghast to realise that something was within me.

  13. Peasant households are affected by natural environment condition, the policy and market factor mainly while confirming that plants the cotton, the level of cotton price of the market has influence on the adjustment that peasant households plant the cotton area the coming year, during the process of using the variety of cotton, lay particular emphasis on and consider and popularize cost and benefit, community, neighbourhood relation and agricultural extension service system while being agrotechnical

  14. The ague again so violent, that i lay a - bed all day, and neither eat or drank

  15. He was sorry for the soldier who lay dying in algiers.

  16. The two ships lay alongside of each other.

  17. The splendid ship lay alongside the quay.

  18. This shows you how to output a set of alphabetized records from a database and lay them out so they look like an index in a book

  19. Layout alphabetized records like a book - this shows you how to output a set of alphabetized records from a database and lay them out so they look like an index in a book

  20. He lay there, amazed at his own rigidity.
