liffe 中文意思是什麼

liffe 解釋
  1. One reason the new york stock exchange ( nyse ) is merging with euronext, a pan - european exchange operator, is to expand into these asset classes through euronext ' s liffe derivatives market

    原因之一就是紐約證券交易所( nyse )已經和歐洲證券市場合併形成泛歐洲地區交易經營,這使得紐約證券交易所通過泛歐洲交易所的衍生品市場擴展進入這些資金市場。
  2. Accompanying the lord mayor was a business delegation of over 60 leading experts and key figures in the uk financial services sector including senior personnel from the london stock exchange and euronext. liffe, the world s second largest derivatives exchange

    陪同市長閣下出訪是由六十余名專家代表和英國金融服務業界的要員組成的商務代表團,其中包括來自倫敦證券交易所,以及泛歐交易所( euronext . liffe )世界上第二大衍生產品市場的高層。