magnus 中文意思是什麼

magnus 解釋
  1. Magnus derrick had formally and definitely refused his adherence to the scheme.

  2. Frary also considers the inertial cross-coupling effects together with the contribution from the magnus derivatives.

  3. It might be as well to consult magnus and mrs. derrick.

  4. Magnus, he could trust to be dignified.

  5. Again magnus waved, about to yield to his better instincts and to the entreaties of his wife.

  6. The following day presley drove magnus over to guadalajara to take train for san francisco.

  7. Magnus ' halberd swings in a mighty arc, damaging all enemies in a fairly wide circle. targets beside the primary take less damage

  8. He came up to magnus and shook the governor's limp hand.

  9. In spite of himself, magnus paled.

  10. Nucleus raphe magnus

  11. Studies on the descending projections from the pontine pneumotaxic region to the nucleus raphe magnus in cats

  12. Magnus was in every sense the "prominent man".

  13. This one, still unalterably devoted to magnus, acquainted him briefly with the tenor of the speeches that had been made.

  14. No doubt, he had come to make a fresh attempt to win over magnus to the unholy alliance.

  15. The thirty - four species of the sea urchins belong to 7 order, 17 families and 28 genera. the following is the name list, those with an asterisk are the species recorded for the first time in china. order cidaroida family cidaridae * goniocidaris biserialis ( d6derlein ) * stylocidaris bracteata ( a. agassiz ) * stylocidaris ryukyuensis shigei * stereocidaris indica philippinensis mortensen * rhopalocidaris gracilis doderlein order lepidocentroida family echinothuridae * phormosoma bursarium ( a. agassiz ) araeosoma owstoni mortensen asthenosoma ijimai yoshiwara order stirodonta family phymosomatidae glyptocidaris crenularis a. agassiz family arbaciidae * coelopleurus maculata a. agassiz et h. l. clark * coelopleurus undulatus mortensen order aulodonta family diadematidae chaetodiademajaponicum mortensen family pedinidae * caenopedina mirabilis ( d6derlein ) order camarodonta family temnopledridae temnopleurus hardwickii ( gray ) temnopleurus toreumaticus ( leske ) temnopleurus reevesii ( gray ) temnopleurus apodus ( a. agassiz et h. l. clark ) temnotrema sculptum ( a. agassiz ) temnotrema reticulatum mortensen * microcyphus olivaceus ( d6derlein ) * prionechinus forbesianus ( a. agassiz ) family strongylocentrotidae strongylocentrotus nudus ( a. agassiz ) hemicentrotus pulcherrimus ( a. agassiz ) family echinometridae anthocidaris crassispina ( a. agassiz ) order clypeasteroida family clypeasteridae clypeaster virescens doderlein family laganidae * peronellapellucida d5derlein family scutellidae * scaphechinus mirabilis a. agassiz sinaechinocyamus planus liao family fibulariidae fibularia acuta yoshiwara order spatangoida family loveniidae - lovenia triforis koehler echinocardium cordatum ( pennant ) family schizasteridae schizaster lacunosus ( linnaeus ) family brissidae * gymnopataqus magnus ( a. agassiz & h. l. clark ) family spatangidae * spatangus luetkeni a. agassiz among the species reported, the following species call for notes or simple descriptions

    本文根據th . mortensen ( 1928 - 1955 )海膽專著( amonographoftheechinoidea )中的主要分類依據,將海膽綱分為8個目: 1 )頭帕目( cidaroidea )有齒器,圍肛部在頂系內,圍口部有步帶板和間步帶板,大棘很大,有外皮層,無球棘; 2 )鱗棘目( lepidocentroida )有齒器,圍肛部在頂系內,圍口部僅有步帶板,大棘不很大,無外皮層,有球棘; 3 )脊齒目( stirodonta )有齒器,圍肛部在頂系內,齒器的齒有脊,橈骨片在齒上方不相接,顎孔開放; 4 )管齒目( aulodonta )齒器的齒無脊,圍肛部在頂系內; 5 )拱齒目( camarodonta )有齒器,圍肛部在頂系內,齒器的齒有脊,橈骨片在齒上方相接,顎孔封閉; 6 )全雕目( holectypoida )有齒器,但不發達或完全被吸收,圍肛部在頂系外,步帶不形成瓣狀和葉鰓; 7 ) ?形目( clypeasteroida )齒器發達,圍肛部在頂系外,步帶形成瓣狀,無葉鰓; 8 )蝟團目( spatangoida )無齒器,圍肛部在頂系外,葉鰓發達,步帶形成瓣狀。
  16. Magnus sandell et al. ml estimation of timing and frequency offset in multicarrier systems. research report, div. of signal processing, lulea university of technology, sweden

    作者簡介:韓重陽( 1981 ? ) ,男,河南駐馬店人,東南大學無線電工程系2005級碩士究生,研究方向為通信與信息系統。
  17. He wanted to be, in fact, what his father was only in nameto succeed where magnus had failed.

  18. The complicated aerodynamics characteristic of spinning projectile with lateral jets and with attack angle is studied detailedly. the formation and changes are analyzed including magnus force, normal force, yawing moment, pitching moment and pressure center

  19. Magnus kept to himself seeing no visitors avoiding even his family.

  20. Magnus glanced at his son in considerable surprise.
