mario pescante 中文意思是什麼

mario pescante 解釋
  1. Security has been barely whispered about outside the corridors of power because officials want to avoid igniting fears of a terrorist attack. " one of the best ways to maintain security is not to talk about it, " culture ministry under - secretary and turin games chief mario pescante told reuters in an interview

    與阿爾卑斯滑雪場美景相一致的是,義大利都靈冬奧會組委會對于本次盛會的安保工作也採取了「以柔克剛」 「輕描淡寫」的工作方針,以便在大賽來臨前創造出一種祥和安寧的氣氛。
  2. " one of the best ways to maintain security is not to talk about it, " culture ministry under - secretary and turin games chief mario pescante told reuters in an interview. " but none of the delegations are concerned about our security

    都靈冬奧會主管馬里奧佩斯坎特8日在接受媒體采訪時說: 「做好安保工作的最有效方法之一就是不要喋喋不休地去談論它,雖然我們不談論它,但沒有一家代表團為此而表示擔心。