match point 中文意思是什麼

match point 解釋

  • match : n (一根)火柴;〈古語〉(從前大炮發火用的)火繩,導火線。 light [strike] a match 擦火柴。 a safe...
  • point : n 1 尖頭,尖端;尖頭器具;〈美國〉筆尖;接種針,雕刻針,編織針;小岬,小地角;【拳擊】下巴。2 【...
  1. Out of the traditional products, the competition of the washing drying machines is the war of the doorstep. in oct., haier initiated the competition of drying technology match, point to the traditional drying technology and the fake aptitude drying products. the consumer can tasted the result of the sunny beauty washing drying machine technology

    Pk大賽」 ,將矛頭直接指向目前市場上的傳統乾衣技術和偽智能烘乾產品,消費者可以通過與其他品牌洗衣機產品進行比較,現場感受到陽光麗人洗干一體機國際領先的jit和自動擋技術帶來的衣干即停效果。
  2. The match has reached boiling-point.

  3. " we made the point before the match that teams like crewe battle and make it a cup tie

  4. In local vector match method, we add the line numbers and the dispersion of direction angle between the center point and near minutiae point. we also add the direction angle of the center point. these additions enhance veracity of the minutiae feature matching

  5. As bases are added by polymerase to the starting point of a new complementary strand, known as a primer, or recognized by ligase as a match, the template ' s sequence is revealed

  6. [ barrett ] and we have ourfirst match point

  7. Barrett and we have ourfirst match point

  8. Yes. so here we are - - match point

  9. Yes. so here we are - match point

  10. Match point, dragon

  11. A player who only needs one more point to win the match is said to be at match point

  12. Mouse operation began first picked up a match point candles, and the rest gradually find it

  13. Q. did you ever have anything like that happen to you on match point, the sound system going off

  14. From the point of view of plane layout, keystroke match of the central section, edit & localization section and number aided section, the color design, the keyboard was improved pleasurably

  15. On match point on sunday, the last point andre agassi would ever play, he again clung to the baseline

  16. Win a 20 - minute ironman match on legend difficulty without surrendering a point to your opponent

    傳奇難度下,在20分鐘的鐵人大戰中完勝對手(沒有屈服過任何一次) 。
  17. A dropped ball to restart the match after play has been temporarily stopped inside the goal area takes place on the goal area line parallel to the goal line at the point nearest to where the ball was located when play was stopped

  18. Lee, 31, clinched victory on his third match point, when he ripped a forehand passing shot winner to break the scotsman ' s serve and end the two hour, 45 - minute match

  19. He was down one set to love and he had a double match point against him in the second set tie break at 4 - 6

    羅迪克先贏一盤,接著在第二盤搶七時以6 - 4領先,卻接連錯失兩個賽點。
  20. Also appearing out of competition is woody allen, whose " match point " is set not in the veteran " s favored manhattan but in london, and stars scarlett johansson

    同樣在戛納亮相而不參加角逐的還有伍迪?艾倫執導的影片《最後一分》 。這部由斯佳賴特?約翰遜主演的電影以倫敦為背景,而不是退伍老兵喜歡的曼哈頓。