melting ice 中文意思是什麼

melting ice 解釋
  • melting : adj. 1. 融[熔]化的。2. 心軟的,受感動的,易感動的。3. 使人感動的,使人感傷的,溫柔的,動人的。
  • ice : n 1 冰,冰塊。2 〈英國〉冰淇淋,冰淇淋 (= ice cream); 〈美國〉冰涼飲料[點心]。3 冰狀物,糖衣。...
  1. Amore 2001 has successfully investigated the gakkel ridge and arctic ocean in vicinity of its geological and geophysical nature, as well as the nature of sea ice and biology in this area. the preliminary onboard petrology and bathymetry results show that the mantle beneath the gakkel ridge with low temperature has only encountered very low degree partial melting during the spreading and there is no any direct relationship between the crust nature and the spreading rate along the gakkel ridge in any simple petrologic way. mantle temperature and fracture zone density also play a major role on the crust nature, besides spreading rate

    對所取得資料的初步研究表明gakkel洋中脊之下的地幔僅經受了較低程度的部分熔融,具有較低的溫度。 gakkel洋中脊處的地殼性質和巖漿活動與擴張速率之間不存在任何直接的巖石學相關性,擴張而導致的巖石圈頂部的冷卻並不是決定洋脊處地殼性質的最重要因素。地幔溫度和斷裂帶的存在與否及其密度對地殼性質具有重要的影響意義。
  2. The cork glass-holder kept the ice from melting and weakening the drink.

  3. Cma, as an alternate deicer, tends to inhibit corrosion and appears to be relatively harmless to the environment. but cma is expensive because of the high price of its material, and it has less ability in melting ice than sodium chloride. besides these, cma sticks to wet surfaces and can congeal to form hard chunks, difficult to store for a long time, dusty and a strong vinegar smell when spread

    而cma是對氯化物鹽除冰劑的重大改進, cma具有無污染,環保的特點,對金屬幾乎無腐蝕,但由於原料價格昂貴,使得cma的價格不菲, cma對冰的融化能力不如氯化鈉, cma易結塊,不宜長期儲藏,在撒布時形成的粉塵及刺鼻的酸味亦是需要改進的地方。
  4. The mountain climber could not find many footholds on the melting ice.

  5. The main mechanism of enhancing precipitation is that much ice nuclei turn into ices, and then snow ; graupel are formed more by microphysical processes. the melting of graupel makes precipitation more than that of unseeded clouds

  6. In the month of june the coasts of new foundland are the best place to watch the melting of the ice fields which cause enormous icebergs to migrate al0ng the seas of the north

  7. The petit-fours and the melting ice are set before them.

  8. You might say melting ice will add to the amount of water

  9. June fifth is when all of us should give serious thought to melting ice

  10. Melting ice caps, hunting and over - fishing were identified as the culprits

  11. Out feet slumped repeatedly through the melting ice

  12. Our feet slumped repeatedly through the melting ice

  13. The mountain climber could not find many footholds on the melting ice

  14. Although global warming could result in rising sea levels from melting ice, particularly ice covering greenland, bindschadler says global warming is not a factor in these lakes underneath the antarctic ice sheet

    雖然地球暖化的結果使冰- -特別是覆蓋格陵蘭的冰溶解,導致海平面上升,但是賓茲查德勒說,地球暖化和南極冰層下面的湖泊並沒有關系。
  15. As the oceans swell with water from melting ice sheets, it is the crowded river deltas in southern asia and egypt, along with small island nations, that are most at risk

  16. During the melting ice flood season, any reservoir upstream a river or lake responsible for the control of melting ice flood must obtain the consent of the relevant flood control headquarters and be subject to its supervision when discharging its flow down stream

  17. Melting ice may also allow for mineral extraction in areas such as canada and russia, and drilling for oil in the arctic

  18. The human - induced planetary energy imbalance provides an ample supply of energy for melting ice

  19. Attempts to continue along the current unsustainable pathway will increasingly be thwarted as melting ice - caps, higher temperatures, heavier storms, longer droughts, more frequent floods and rising sea levels exert an ever heavier toll of wellbeing and lives

  20. My dormant dream comes to life in the season of melting ice and snow. in my beautiful dreamland, i keep loving myself and waiting for you without your awareness
