metabase 中文意思是什麼

metabase 解釋
  1. This is set at the metabase in

  2. Iis metabase settings apply to asp. net requests

    Iis元數據庫設置適用於asp . net請求
  3. Specifies the full iis metabase path of the application

  4. Is not specified, the iis metabase is used to find the directory

  5. For example, the metabase setting

  6. Specifies the full iis metabase path of the application to be compiled

  7. The iis metabase is a hierarchical information store that is used to configure iis

  8. If this parameter is missing, the iis metabase is used to locate the application

  9. Lists the path and version of all iis metabase keys where asp. net is mapped

    列出包含asp . net腳本映射的所有iis元數據庫項的路徑和版本。
  10. By default, the configuration uses the iis metabase to determine the web file hierarchy

  11. For example, if the security settings in the iis metabase are set to allow site access only to authenticated users while security settings in the web. config file are set to allow anonymous access to the site, anonymous users would be denied access to the site

    例如,如果iis元數據庫中的安全設置配置為只允許已通過身份驗證的用戶訪問站點,而web . config文件中的安全設置配置為允許匿名訪問該站點,則將拒絕匿名用戶訪問該站點。
  12. This is required because working with the iis metabase where information about iis applications is stored requires administrative privileges

  13. Import iis and asp. net settings from the iis metabase of an existing physical server onto a logical server

    將iis和asp . net設置從現有物理服務器的iis元數據庫導入邏輯服務器。