michie 中文意思是什麼

michie 解釋
  1. He musn't antagonize michie.

  2. Michie was a mustached ex-service student who'd commanded a tank troop at anzio.

  3. Michie, then, must be kept out, but with smiles and regrets instead of the blows and kicks which were his due.

  4. Michie was, or seemed, able to make a fool of him again and again without warning.

  5. Though he was fifteen yards away from him, dixon knew all about the perfection of michie's evening clothes, the efficiency of his chatter.

  6. Because he felt superstitiously that michie was capable of insisting on studying medieval life and culture out of sheer spite and desire to do him down.

  7. Michie, then, must be kept out, but with smiles and regrets instead of the blows and kicks which were his due

    所以,必須把米切置之門外,但不能採用拳打腳踢的方式- -盡管他活該被人拳打腳踢- -而只能採用裝笑臉、表示遺憾的方式。
  8. Because he felt superstitiously that michie was capable of insisting on studying medieval life and culture out of sheer spite and desire to do him down

    因為他有點迷信,覺得米切有可能純粹出於一種惡意和把他整垮的意圖而選修《中世紀生活與文化》 。