microsoft exchange 中文意思是什麼

microsoft exchange 解釋
  • microsoft : 認證證書
  • exchange : vt 1 (以某物與另一物)交換,調換 (for) 2 互換,交流,交易。3 兌換。 vi 1 兌換 (for) 2 交換;...
  1. The version of outlook that is included with microsoft exchange server client access licenses is not supported

    *不支持microsoft exchange server客戶端訪問許可證附帶的outlook版本。
  2. This technical article provides administrators of microsoft exchange server 2003 with information about how to isolate performance degradations and how to use existing tools and products, such as performance, load simulator, exchange stress and performance 2003, network monitor, and filemon, for this purpose

    這篇技術性文章為microsoft exchange server 2003系統管理員提供有關如何隔離效能低落問題,以及如何使用現有工具與產品如performance load simulator exchange server stress and performance esp 2003網路監視器和filemon來達成此目的資訊。
  3. This download contains a stand - alone version of the microsoft exchange server 2007 release notes

    此下載包含獨立版本的microsoft exchange server 2007版本資訊。
  4. Download details : troubleshooting microsoft exchange server performance

    下載詳細資料:疑難排解microsoft exchange server效能
  5. Microsoft exchange calendar update tool

    Microsoft exchange行事歷更新工具
  6. This topic explains how to apply the exchange 2003 cluster node group policy object templates to your microsoft exchange server 2003 cluster nodes

    此主題說明如何將exchange 2003叢集節點群組原則物件gpo範本,套用到microsoft exchange server 2003叢集節點。
  7. Viruses and worms transmitted by e - mail have become a destructive reality that many administrators of microsoft exchange battle

    透過電子郵件傳送的病毒及蠕蟲已經成為許多microsoft exchange系統管理員必須對抗的破壞性力量。
  8. A provider type designed for the cryptographic needs of the microsoft exchange mail application and other applications compatible with microsoft mail

    為滿足microsoft exchange郵件應用程序和其他與microsoft mail兼容的應用程序的加密需要而設計的提供程序類型。
  9. This download contains pre - recorded prompts, for example " welcome, you are connected to microsoft exchange " in the language specified by this download

    這個下載包含以其指定的語言所預先錄制的提示例如,歡迎您連線到microsoft exchange 。
  10. List box. in microsoft exchange, this setting sets a flag for the importance level of the e - mail message

  11. This guide outlines the features in microsoft exchange server 2003 and provides basic information about how to get started using these features

    簡述本手冊概述microsoft exchange server 2003的功能,並提供如何使用這些功能的相關入門基本資訊。
  12. This guide outlines the features in microsoft exchange server 2003 and provides basic information about how to get started using these features. this document updated for sp2

    本聯機圖書的目的是概述microsoft exchange server 2003新增功能,並提供開始使用這些新增功能所必需的基本信息。
  13. Best practices for microsoft exchange server public folders

    Microsoft exchange伺服器公用資料夾的最佳作法
  14. Download details : microsoft exchange server exchange profile redirector

    下載詳細信息: microsoft exchange server配置文件重定向器
  15. Download details : microsoft exchange server 2003 message security guide

    下載詳細信息: exchange server 2003郵件安全指南
  16. Anti - spam improvements are included in the release of the integrated version 2 of microsoft exchange intelligent message filter, and sender id, which is an industry - standard framework

    Microsoft exchange智能郵件篩選器和發件人id所集成的版本2中包含了反垃圾郵件方面的改進,其中發件人id是一種業界標準框架。
  17. This download contains a standalone version of the microsoft exchange server 2007 release notes

  18. Quick find searches contact folders and the microsoft exchange global address book, and opens matching contacts

  19. Server consolidation using microsoft exchange server 2003

    使用microsoft exchange server 2003進行伺服器匯總
  20. This article discusses strategies for server consolidation using microsoft exchange server 2003

    本文將討論使用microsoft exchange server 2003進行伺服器匯總的策略。