mobs 中文意思是什麼

mobs 解釋
MOBS = Multiple Orbit Bombardment System 多彈頭轟炸系統。

  1. Mobs of drunken men were whooping it up.

  2. Screaming mobs, mostly of jobless young men, will surely use any irregularities to make trouble

  3. Rowdy mobs gathered in the leading thoroughfares.

  4. Mao ' s defense minister told the mobs that their mission was destroy every throwback of traditional culture and philosophy

  5. He could unleash the mobs in the arab world against us.

  6. Blood elf mobs in azshara will now have the correct model

  7. Curse fear : success rate has been increased. works about 90 % in yellow mobs

    新技能,詛咒恐懼:成功幾率提高.對黃色的群體怪有90 %的幾率. . . (真的假的?
  8. Erfahre mehr ber die einzigartige flora und fauna australiens, besuche die wentworth falls und folge den fustapfen charles darwins der 1836 einer der ersten forscher in australien war und stell dir beim anblick dieser wildnis vor wie die forscher jemals ihren weg hindurch finden konnten, besuche die berhmten three sisters bei katoomba, spaziere durch ppigen regenwald, fotografiere mobs australisch fr groe anzahl von wilden eastern grey knguruhs und weitere tiere in ihrer natrlichen umgebung, die besuchten gegenden wurden sorgfltig ausgesucht aufgrund ihrer biologischen vielfalt

  9. So i ran up and wacked mobs ineffectively with my tree branch arms

  10. In one instance, in the capital city of jakarta, mobs ransacked every house on the street one by one, killing people and setting things on fire

  11. Analyzing features of mobs ' criminal behaviors

  12. Which distracts a mob or group of mobs, allowing a rogue to slip back into the shadows in combat

  13. The companies could be put together swiftly to act as units to control and channel the mobs

  14. This formula means that, for a level 60 player with fully trained weapon skill, 25 % of all white - damage melee attacks will be glancing blows against level 62 mobs, and 40 % of all white - damage melee attacks will be glancing blows against level 63 mobs

    注意這里,你的武器技能被限制在你的等級* 5 (也就是60 * 5 = 300 ) ,換句話說天賦與裝備加的武器技能不影響產生擦傷的機率。
  15. Johnson took the job in the face of lynch mobs and bullets

  16. The mobs 300 defense skill > > your 1 weapon skill

  17. Photograph up close mobs australian langue for large number of eastern grey kangaroos, in the wild and other wildlife in their natural environment

  18. One night, the bustling streets of hong kong were busy and joyful. the next, there were mobs, riots and looting

  19. Gone, too, were the hideous lynchings, which since the civil war had caused the death of thousands of innocent blacks ? hanged without trail by white mobs

  20. Fixed an issue where players were able to use " mana burn " on mobs and players without mana
