mortemart 中文意思是什麼

mortemart 解釋
  1. By the way, she added subsiding into calm again, there are two very interesting men to be here to - night, the vicomte de mortemart ; he is connected with the montmorencies through the rohans, one of the best families in france

    「我馬上把茶端來。順帶提一句, 」她又心平氣和地補充說, 「今天在這兒有兩位饒有風趣的人士,一位是levicomtedemostmart , ilestalliauxmontmorencyparlesrohans ,法國優秀的家族之一。
  2. She kept an anxious watch on him as he went up to listen to what was being said near mortemart, and walked away to another group where the abb was talking

  3. Prince ippolit, the son of prince vassily, came too with mortemart, whom he introduced. the abb morio was there too, and many others. have you not yet seen, or not been introduced to

  4. The cream of really good society consisted of the fascinating and unhappy ellen, abandoned by her husband ; of mortemart ; of the fascinating prince ippolit, who had just come home from vienna ; of two diplomats, of the old aunt ; of a young man, always referred to in that society by the designation, a man of a great deal of merit ; of a newly appointed maid of honour and her mother, and several other less noteworthy persons

    出席晚會的la crme de la vritable bonne socite ,包括有頗具迷力的不幸的被丈夫遺棄的海倫莫特馬爾剛從維也納回來的令人贊美的伊波利特公爵兩個外交官姑母一個在客廳中被稱為un homme de beaucoup de mrite的青年人,一個新近被提拔的宮廷女官和她的母親以及其他幾個不太出名的人物。
  5. Anna pavlovnas evening party was like her first one, only the novel attraction which she had provided for her guests was not on this occasion mortemart, but a diplomat, who had just arrived from berlin, bringing the latest details of the emperor alexanders stay at potsdam, and of the inviolable alliance the two exalted friends had sworn together, to maintain the true cause against the enemy of the human race

  6. Anna pavlovna frowned. mortemart, ippolits friend, addressed him with decision

  7. In one of these, the more masculine, the centre was the abb ; in the other, the group of young people, the chief attractions were the beautiful princess ellen, prince vassilys daughter, and the little princess bolkonsky, with her rosy prettiness, too plump for her years. in the third group were mortemart and anna pavlovna
