odds ratio 中文意思是什麼

odds ratio 解釋
  • odds : n. 〈pl. 〉 〈常用作單數〉1. 不平等(的東西);差額。2. 勝算,差異;差距,優劣之差;(優者給對方的)讓步;〈美國〉恩惠。3. 不和,相爭。4. 希望,可能性。5. 賽過。6. 遭遇。
  • ratio : n. (pl. ratios)1. 比,比率,比值;比例;系數。2. 【經濟學】復本位制中金銀的法定比價。vt. 1. 用比例方式表達;求出…的比值;使…成比例。2. 將(相片)按比例放大或縮小。
  1. The odds ratio for preterm delivery with intrapartum kidney stones was 1. 8. however, there was no connection found between stones and low birth weight or infant death

    早產與分娩期腎結石的比值比為1 . 8 。但是並沒有發現結石與低出生體重兒或嬰兒死亡有關。
  2. Overall, oc use was associated with a slight increase in breast cancer risk ( odds ratio, 1. 19 )

    總之,口服避孕藥的使用與乳腺癌發病率輕度增加有相關性(優勢比為1 . 19 ) 。
  3. In a model that tested for a threshold effect of third - trimester homocysteine leels, the researchers found that an eleated homocysteine leel was associated with a significant increase in the risk of schizophrenia ( odds ratio, 2. 39 )

    在檢測妊娠晚期同型半胱氨酸血水平臨界值的模型中,研究者發現同型半胱氨酸血濃度值升高會明顯增加精神分裂癥高風險性(優勢比2 . 39 ) 。
  4. In a model that tested for a threshold effect of third - trimester homocysteine levels, the researchers found that an elevated homocysteine level was associated with a significant increase in the risk of schizophrenia ( odds ratio, 2. 39 )

    在檢測妊娠晚期同型半胱氨酸血水平臨界值的模型中,研究者發現同型半胱氨酸血濃度值升高會明顯增加精神分裂癥高風險性(優勢比2 . 39 ) 。
  5. The unadjusted odds ratio for stroke with ppa exposure was 2. 46 and after adjustment, it was 2. 16

    服用ppa患者中風風險的優勢比調整前和調整後分別是2 . 46和2 . 16 。
  6. Without rehabilitation, the pooled random - effects odds ratio for disability was 12. 5, but the quality of the data was poor, the researchers found

  7. Results : women aged 45 to 54 years had significantly higher odds of having experienced a stroke vs men of the same age ( odds ratio [ or ] 2. 39, 95 % ci 1. 32 to 4. 32 )

    結果: 45到54歲之間的女性比同年齡組男性有更高的患中風病的幾率。
  8. After adjustment for demographic and lifestyle factors, diagnosed type 2 diabetes was associated with an increased risk of depressive symptoms ( odds ratio = 1. 69 )

    在進行人口統計學和生活方式因素校正後,確診的2型糖尿病患者伴隨有抑鬱癥風險增加趨勢(優勢比= 1 . 69 ) 。
  9. The adjusted odds ratio for adverse events in the first month was 3. 87 in the intermediate group and 5. 16 in the high level group, compared to the normal level group

    總的說來,血糖正常組有18 %的病人在心肌梗塞后第一個月里遭受過至少一次不良事件,另外兩組的相應比例為40 % 。
  10. Based on random dot e test results, breast - fed children were significantly ( p = 0. 001 ) more likely to have greater foveal stereoacuity than did children in either formula - fed group ( odds ratio, 2. 5 )

  11. Stepwise logistic regression showed that higher contraceptive attitudes ( odds ratio, or, 1. 148 ) and previous contraceptive education in school ( or, 3. 394 ) increased the probability of consistently using contraceptives, correctly classifying 67. 2 % of the sample
