oee 中文意思是什麼

oee 解釋
  1. To support the efficiency improvement activities to optimise the equipment utilization and oee

    支持效率改善活動以優化設備利用率和oee 。
  2. The oee rating for critical equipment provides a relative comparison or “ report card ” on equipment performance and how well our maintenance and operations improvement activities are doing

    關鍵設備的oee值為設備效率以及維修和操作改進工作提供了比對依據或者說是「匯報卡」 。
  3. Organization for european economic cooperation oee

  4. Support employee to improve production line oee, increase equipment availability, reducing equipment failure

  5. Oee overall equipment efficiency

  6. Given the oee data, we can then determine the “ cost of unreliability ” or poor equipment performance

  7. However, the factors of oee - availability, efficiency, and rate of quality - become indicators of where and what type of improvements should be made

    但是oee的要素- -時間利用率,設備性能率與質量合格率將會顯示問題所在及相應的改善點。
  8. The real use of oee comes by using the factors ( availability x efficiency x quality ) and the actual losses to determine root cause and corrective action

  9. Improve equipment oee, standar the process on tools

    提高設備oee ,嚴格設備工藝的標準化。
  10. Oee for the cell is a good relative performance comparison

  11. Multiple product sizes dictate different production rates and therefore oee ratings

  12. Develop, research to improve production equipment capacity and oee, ensure production plan completion

  13. The factors of oee should be tracked and trended to observe changes in performance of critical equipment in the process stream
