oligo-dt 中文意思是什麼

oligo-dt 解釋
  1. Total cellular rna were extracted, 40 micrograms of the total rna were used in the reverse transcription reaction, using superscript ii reverse transcriptase, oligo ( dt ) i8 primers, and cy3 - dctp or cy5 - dctp for the experimental and control group respectively. the labeled cdnas were hybridized to microarrays at 42c for 12 h - 18 h

    提取as _ 2o _ 3作用k562細胞前後的總rna ,用superscript逆轉錄酶逆轉錄成cdna第一鏈,並在逆轉錄的過程中,用cy3 cy5熒光染料分別標記對照組處理組,與自製的k562細胞基因表達譜晶元雜交。
  2. Total rna was extracted from the second stage larve of hypoderma sp, then single chain cdna was synthesized by reverse transcription using oligo ( dt ) 18 as a primer. the hypodermin c ( hc ) and hypodermin a ( ha ) gene specific primers were devised by dnastar software

    本試驗的目的旨在進行hypodeminc ( hc )和hypodermina ( ha )基因的克隆、測序、構建重組表達載體並誘導表達,獲得重組抗原,以解決天然抗原的不足並為診斷和免疫試劑的產業化奠定基礎。
  3. Constructing cdna expressing library of erythrocytic plasmodium falciparum from hainan : the total rna was obtained by using. triplix kit. a modified oligo ( dt ) primer ( cds ffi pcr primer ) was used in the single - stranded ( ss ) dna synthesis reaction. the ss - dna was reversely transcripted from total rna. double - stranded ( ds ) cdna was amplified by long - distance ( ld ) pcrafter the digestion with proteinase k and sfi i, the cdna with no less than 200bp was collected and purified by glass - milk kitthe library was constructed after the ligation of cdna to tiplex2 phage particle packaged with the packaging extract system in vitro. a high titer and high recombinant ratio of cdna library was constructed

    構建惡性瘧原蟲海南株紅內期cdna表達文庫提取紅內期惡性瘧原蟲海南株總rna ,直接以總rna為模板使用cdna文庫構建試劑盒,首先反轉錄合成ss一dna ,再擴增合成ds一dna ( cdna ) ,對擴增產物用蛋白酶k消化及左z丁i酶切,抽提蛋白、去除rna后,用玻璃奶試劑盒純化、回收20obp以上的片斷,經與載體連接再用蛋白包裝物包裝后形成未擴增文庫,最後擴增完成惡性瘧原蟲海南株紅內期cdna表達文庫的構建。