patriarchy 中文意思是什麼

音標 ['peitriɑ:ki]
patriarchy 解釋
n. 名詞 1. 家長制;族長政治;族長制社會;族長管區。
2. 父權制(社會)。

  1. Next, master said that ages ago, the world was actually a matriarchy instead of a patriarchy like it is today, and that women ran the affairs of state instead of men

  2. When we examine how people lived their daily lives ? what they ate, what they did, where they were buried, who was paramount in terms of lineage and family ? we see little in the way of radical division between men and women, no evidence for either patriarchy or matriarchy

  3. This article reflected on the model work of the ancient greek oedipus from the view of culture, and considered that the author has a deep reflection on this ethics relation about patriarchy replacement of matriarchy in his works, in the meantime, the author provides a base prototype for individuality ' s mental translation from this three point : the ideal of law ; the double explanation of hero and submit to the patriarchy

    摘要從文學文化學的視角重新審視古希臘悲劇的典範作品《俄狄浦斯王》 ,認為作品蘊含了作者對父權制取代母權制這一重大社會轉型時期倫理關系的深刻思考,並從法權觀念、對英雄的雙重解讀和順從于父系血緣三個方面為社會轉型期間的生命個體提供了心理轉換的基本原型。
  4. Patriarchy culture and feminist psychology in the west

  5. The patriarchy of the han dynasty seen from the han simplified rhymed verses unearthed at zhang jia shan

  6. It described the women under repression and gradually awake to revolt the patriarchy

  7. Stacey, j. ( 1983 ), patriarchy and socialist revolution in china. california : university of california press

    巫昌禎: 《婚姻與繼承法學》 , [北京]中國政法大學出版社1997年版。
  8. Oppression and protection, attraction and fear : the tug of war between women and patriarchy in the gothic novel.

  9. At the same time, it will also try to bring out the various modes of resistance and hence paradoxes within education under patriarchy

  10. Female characters still are not able to surpass this boundary of patriarchy. i am sure this film is a disappointment for hardcore johnnie to s fans

  11. The first part of this paper tries to analyze the theme of the story told by the film, that is, the theme of the problems of power and desire under patriarchy

  12. In stead of submission, women can choose to challenge and topple over the superiority of men in the patriarchy society

  13. In the accepting amnesty, accepting amnesty, xukun helps the protagonist, xu xiaohong, come to her own recognition through a strategy to transcend the suppressive value under patriarchy, and establish her real female voice, a voice that is the narrator ' s

  14. The most important is that it influences the production and reproduction of patriarchy in private area, which decreases gender inequalities within rural households

  15. Before the 18th century, scholars in europe had believed, based on aristotle and interpretations of the bible, that the political development of society began with patriarchy

  16. In which ju dou is trying to overthrow the domination of patriarchy by torturing jinshan and seducing tianqing in order to become the real figure in charge at home

  17. Jinshan is an impotent and infertile figure while tianqing is a representative of masculine inferiority whose actions and behaviors are always controlled by ju dou. it seems that patriarchy is totally destroyed by the failure of these two male characters. but it is not the end yet

  18. The old wives ' tale and clayhanger, with an aim to explore bennett ' s implied androcentric discourse conflict : his sympathy with females and his critique or questioning of patriarchy are in contradiction with his support of " the angle in the house. " which displays the unconscious construction of male authority

    以貝內特的「受虐者」心理為切入點,從女性主義角度審視他的三個主要文本《五城的安娜》 、 《老婦譚》和《克雷亨格》 ,其作品隱含的男權話語的矛盾:既同情女性,批評或質疑至高無上的父權;又推崇順從的「家庭天使」 ,呈現出對男權中心的無意識建構。
  19. Due to social and historical context, the underlying principle remains unchanged indeed. women are still unable to surpass the boundary of traditional patriarchy in chinese cinema

  20. The magazines of men in the article we discuss is referred that the vogue magazines which are aimed at men, not including other magazines which are read by most of men widely, for example : financial magazines 、 sport magazines and etc. in the patriarchy, the images and the expressions of the female are tied by the male, and the female can ’ t represent themselves
