planned funding 中文意思是什麼

planned funding 解釋
  1. The office of management and budget ( omb ) has recommended to president clinton that nasa discontinue funding for the international space station habitation module as currently planned, and instead procure a habitation module commercially

    美國管理與預算局( omb )建議柯林頓總統停止太空總署按目前計畫資助國際太空站居住艙,相反地應建構商業居住艙模組。
  2. According to the original forecast, the government would have submitted 106 projects to the public works subcommittee ( pwsc ) and fc of this council for funding approval in the 2002 - 03 legislative session. however, owing to deviations between the actual and planned progress of certain projects, we have eventually submitted a total of 84 projects to this council, of which 76 were included in the original forecast while 8 were not

    政府在2002 - 03立法會會期,原本預算向立法會工務小組委員會及財務委員會提出106項工程的撥款要求,但由於有些工程項目的進展跟計劃中有出入,我們最終向立法會提交了原本預算中的76項及8項不在原本預算中的項目,合共84項撥款申請。
  3. They include a man who directed logistics and funding for the september the 11th attacks ; the chief of al qaeda operations in the persian gulf, who planned the bombings of our embassies in east africa and the uss cole ; an al qaeda operations chief from southeast asia ; a former director of al qaeda s training camps in afghanistan ; a key al qaeda operative in europe ; a major al qaeda leader in yemen

    其中包括為9 . 11攻擊事件做安排並籌集經費的人員; 「基地」組織海灣地區的行動負責人,此人曾謀劃在我國駐東非地區使館和美國軍艦「科爾」號上製造爆炸事件; 「基地」組織在東南亞的一個行動負責人;一個曾負責「基地」組織在阿富汗的訓練營地的頭目; 「基地」組織在歐洲的一個骨幹活動分子; 「基地」組織在葉門的一個主要頭目。
  4. We will combine our creative expertise with the rich talent and production resources of mainland china, to create a win - win collaboration in the huge mainland market. we are also confident that this collaboration will drive further growth for our complementary advertising, sponsorship and public relations operations. " with a strong financial position, we do not have pressure on funding for the planned productions with the eight tv media
