precipitous decline 中文意思是什麼

precipitous decline 解釋
  • precipitous : adj. 1. 險竣的,絕壁的;陡峭的;急轉直下的,突然而來的。2. 急躁的,魯莽的,輕率的;倉卒的。adv. -ly
  • decline : vi 1 下傾,下降;跌落;歪斜;(樹枝等)下垂,(頭)低下。2 衰落,衰老。3 墮落,退步;落魄。4 接近...
  1. The precipitous decline in glucose can also lead to more hunger after a carbohydrate - rich meal and thus contribute to overeating and obesity

  2. Supreme court spokeswoman kathy arberg said rehnquist had " continued to perform his duties on the court until a precipitous decline in his health the last couple of days.

    美國最高法院女發言人凱西?阿爾貝格說倫奎斯特「一直帶病堅持法院的工作,直到最後幾天他的健康狀況急劇惡化為止」 。