preoptic 中文意思是什麼

preoptic 解釋
  1. It is well know that the preoptic and anterior hypothalamus ( poaii ) is the heat regulating center of homeotherm

    下丘腦視前區和下丘腦前區( poah )為恆溫動物的體溫調節中樞。
  2. The results showed that the expressions of il - 1 receptor type 6 tt i in normal adult rat brain were very widely, and there were intense immuno - positive cells of il - 1 receptor type i in septal area, medial preoptic area, neocortex, hippocampus, paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus, supraoptic nucleus, hypothalamic ventromedial nucleus, arcuate nucleus and median eminence

    結果顯示:型il - 1受體在正常成年大鼠腦內有廣泛的表達,隔區、視前內側區、新皮質、海馬、下丘腦室旁核、視上核、下丘腦腹內側核、弓狀核和正中隆起等部位有較多型il - 1受體陽性的細胞。
  3. Administrations of - msh via the vein, csf or microinjection of this peptide into the ventral septal area ( vsa ) and the preoptic region of the brain significantly reduced fever of tested animals

    經靜脈、側腦室,腹側中膈區( ventralseptalarea , vsa )以及視前區等處給予- msh ,均能顯著抑制lsp所致的發熱反應。
  4. Effect of ofq injection into intracerebroventricular and preoptic area on blood pressure and heart rate in rats

  5. From there the impulse is transmitted to the preoptic area of the brain, which controls when the body begins to shiver
