puissant 中文意思是什麼

音標 ['pju:isənt]
puissant 解釋
adj. 形容詞 〈詩,古〉有力的,有勢力的,有權力的,強大的。

  1. No question but her name is puissant who aventried the dear corse of our agenbuyer, healer and herd, our mighty mother and mother most venerable and bernardus saith aptly that she hath an omnipotentiam deiparae supplicem, that is to wit, an almightiness of petition because she is the second eve and she won us, saith augustine too, whereas that other, our grandam, which we are linked up with by successive anastomosis of navelcords sold us all, seed, breed and generation, for a penny pippin

    伯爾納49此言不謬矣!聖母瑪利亞擁有向天主懇求的全能之術50 。吾輩憑借連綿不絕之臍帶與之保持血緣的遠祖51 ,為了一隻便宜蘋果竟將我等子孫種族,祖祖輩輩悉數出賣,而瑪利亞作為第二個夏娃,正如奧古斯丁52所云,拯救了蕓蕓眾生。
  2. Well - favored, stately, swift, unwearied, puissant, gigantic, he is still the foe of wisdom, the scourge of mortals

  3. I have card of exercise of special type of tower crane of a building, originally 34 month expired this years last year careful, but i fail to come back in suzhou at that time, i am the card that in chengdu puissant plant learns

  4. In local market puissant hit pressure and below the associated demand a low price of a few large steelworks, tang shan area is steelworks no matter purchase the value, the producer price that still is iron essence pink all appeared of distinct range decline

  5. O nolan, clad in shining armour, low bending made obeisance to the puissant and high and mighty chief of all erin and did him to wit of that which had befallen, how that the grave elders of the most obedient city, second of the realm, had met them in the tholsel, and there, after due prayers to the gods who dwell in ether supernal, had taken solemn counsel whereby they might, if so be it might be, bring once more into honour among mortal men the winged speech of the seadivided gael

    穿戴鋥亮鎧甲的奧諾蘭朝著全愛琳這個位高勢大的首領深打一躬,稟明了事情的原委。這座無比忠順的城市,國內第二大都會的神情肅穆的元老們聚集在索爾塞爾349 ,照例對天界的神明們禱告一番后,關于該採取何等措施俾能讓一衣帶水的蓋爾族355那崇高的語言得以光採地在世間復興,嚴肅地進行了審議。