rashin 中文意思是什麼

rashin 解釋
  1. " i have been thinking about your dragon lords, " said armon. " were our situation not so desperate, i would never seriously consider it, but … " he sighed. " arvid and rashin are correct

    「我一直在想你所說的龍神」 ,艾蒙說, 「如果我們的處境不是這樣令人絕望,我是不會認真考慮這件事的,但是- - - - - - - - - 」他嘆了口氣, 「阿維德和拉申是對的,我沒有選擇,也沒有時間。 」
  2. " the dragon texts are forbidden, " said rashin

    「龍神的文字都是禁文。 」拉申說。
  3. " i realise that, sire, " said rashin, " but there must be something we can do besides sit and wait to be destroyed !

    「我知道,陛下」拉申說, 「但我們必須做點什麼,才不至於坐以待斃。 」
  4. " and you think you can use it to summon the dragon lords from a thousand years of slumber ? " laughed rashin

    「你認為你能用它來召喚沉睡了一千年的龍神? 」拉申笑道。
  5. " they contain knowledge that can save us, lord rashin, " said dagen. " the invocation is described in great detail.

    「它們含有能拯救我們的知識,拉申閣下。 」達恩說, 「咒文描述得很清楚。 」
  6. " so, the cost is unknown ? " asked rashin. " i hardly think the dragon lords will come to our aid out of kindness.

    「那麼,就是說代價是不清楚的? 」拉申問道, 「我認為龍神不會出於善意而來幫助我們。 」
  7. " they can hardly be worse than the threat we face from the darkstar, lord rashin, " dagen interrupted. " you have said yourself we must do something besides wait.

    「它們不可能比我們正面臨的黑暗之星的威脅更危險,拉申閣下」達恩打斷了他的話, 「你也說了我們不能坐以待斃。 」