ready 中文意思是什麼

音標 ['redi]
ready 解釋
adj. 形容詞 (readier; -iest)1. 〈用作表語[主詞補語]準備[預備]…的,下了決心…的,隨時可以…的,即將…,動輒…的,已作好準備[預備]的;心中準備好的,打定了主意的。
2. 現成的,現有的;迅速的,當面的,(答復等)即時的;敏捷的;巧于…的 (at) 容易的,輕便的,簡便的,立刻可用的;容易得到的。
3. 【軍事】擺好放槍姿勢的。
n. 名詞 〈the ready〉 1. 【軍事】射擊準備。
2. 〈俚語〉現金(= ready money)。
adv. 動詞 副詞 1. 〈多與過去分詞連用或用連字元連結,如 ready-made, ready-built 等〉預先,準備好。
2. 〈多用比較級或最高級〉迅速,欣然,爽快。
be readypacked = be packed ready 預先包紮好。
the child that answers readiest 回答最快的孩子。
vt. 及物動詞 使預備[準備]好。
ready up 〈俚語〉即付現款。
ready-faded adj. 形容詞 (牛仔服等)做成已褪色樣子的,預褪色的。
ready-for-service 〈美國〉= ready-made 1. adj. 形容詞 (服裝等)現成的;預先準備好的,(意見等)聽來的。
2. n. 名詞 現成藝術品〈藝術家在實在生活中選出的實物,並不作任何加工〉。
ready-mix adj. 形容詞 預先拌好的。
ready room (航空母艦上飛行員出發前的)接受命令室。
ready to-wear adj. 形容詞 〈美國〉馬上就可用的,現成的。
ready-wash 〈俚語〉強效可卡因。
ready witted adj. 形容詞 機敏的,有機智的,能隨機應變的。

  1. In the picture the ablution is completed, and the person who has performed it is ready to start to start his prayer

  2. New york headquarters office staff of 50 rabbis who are ready to serve as account executives for ou certified companies

  3. The adoption of the war resolution found the american navy ready and eager to join the battle.

  4. "may i ask, " said butler, his suspicious increasing at the ready alacrity of the answer, "who this man is? "

  5. Herbs and spices ready for food use - specification for dried pimento allspice whole and ground

  6. I have not yet posted the code for hc at the ananas. org repository because it is not ready for prime time

    我還沒有將hc的代碼張貼在ananas . org資源庫,因為還沒到恰當的時候。
  7. A slot in the structure of theoretical physics was ready and waiting for the position when anderson discovered it in 1932.

  8. Antonio, a merchant in venice, was liked by everyone because he was always ready to help others.

  9. The poor apprentice had both a ready wit, and a handsome face and figure.

  10. The kindergarten ' s application for fee revision for the 2007 / 08 school year is under processing. the approved school fees will be uploaded to the web - version once ready

    幼稚園調整2007 / 08學年學費的申請,現正在處理當中。當審核完成,獲批核的學費將在網上版上顯示。
  11. When he was satisfied that he was ready to branch out, he wrote archibald.

  12. She is intelligent, ardent and ready to burn her boats.

  13. He never seeks credit for himself, but is always ready to take on arduous tasks.

  14. Getting ready for a slow ascent is more likely

  15. The final program is assembled ready to be run.

  16. Studies with labelled aspartate demonstrate its ready conversion into asparagine.

  17. Athena will be there, ready to shoot. right, babe

  18. Its one advantage is the ready availability of data.

  19. For these reasons, the ready availability of an extracorporeal system is helpful.

  20. Then the multi - functional baby carrier is ready for use
