renaud 中文意思是什麼

renaud 解釋
  1. " multitudinously is good, " said chateau - renaud

    「多才好呢。 」夏多勒諾說。
  2. " indeed, no, " said chateau - renaud - " did you know her ?

    「的確想不到。 」夏多勒諾說。
  3. " bah, chateau - renaud, " returned debray, " you only know your dull and gloomy faubourg saint - germain ; do not pay any attention to him, count - live in the chauss

    「嘿!夏多勒諾, 」德布雷駁道, 「你就知道你那死氣沉沉,毫無生趣的聖日爾曼村。
  4. In one of the mourning - coaches beauchamp, debray, and chateau - renaud were talking of the very sudden death of the marchioness

  5. " all this is very extraordinary, " said chateau - renaud ; " still, what i admire the most, i confess, is the marvellous promptitude with which your orders are executed

    「這一切都是極不平凡的, 」夏多勒諾說, 「而我最佩服的一點,我承認,就是他們竟能如此迅速地執行您的命令。
  6. At the place louis xv the three young people separated - that is to say, morrel went to the boulevards, chateau - renaud to the pont de la revolution, and debray to the quai

  7. " starlets, " said chateau - renaud, " are only found in the volga.

    「小蝶鮫, 」夏多勒諾說, 「只有在伏爾加河裡才找得到。 」
  8. " this one is, i think, a sterlet, " said chateau - renaud

    「這一條,我想,是小蝶鮫。 」
  9. " i went to tortoni s, where, as i expected, i found beauchamp and chateau - renaud

  10. Bowing under the weight of twenty - four years reminiscences, he thought not of albert, of beauchamp, of chateau - renaud, or of any of that group ; but he thought of that courageous woman who had come to plead for her son s life, to whom he had offered his, and who had now saved it by the revelation of a dreadful family secret, capable of destroying forever in that young man s heart every feeling of filial piety

  11. Asked chateau - renaud ; " you do not propose anything.

    夏多勒諾問道, 「你不提個建議嗎? 」
  12. " what a wicked - looking, crooked staircase, " said chateau - renaud with a smile

    「多難看的一座螺旋形樓梯。 」夏多勒諾帶笑說道。
  13. Allow me to introduce my friend, baron de chateau - renaud, one of the few true gentlemen now to be found in france, and from whom i have just learned that you were a spectator of the races in the champ - de - mars, yesterday.

    請允許我介紹一下我的這位朋友,夏多勒諾伯爵,是目前在法國難得找到的幾位世家子弟之一。我剛才從他那兒得知,您昨天到馬爾斯跑馬場去看賽馬了。 」
  14. He took the arm of chateau - renaud, and turned towards the vault, where the attendants had already placed the two coffins

  15. " oh, all this is a family history, as chateau - renaud told you the other day, " observed maximilian. " this humble picture would have but little interest for you, accustomed as you are to behold the pleasures and the misfortunes of the wealthy and industrious ; but such as we are, we have experienced bitter sorrows.

    「噢,正如那天夏多勒諾所告訴您的,這一切只是一部家庭歷史, 」馬西米蘭說道, 「象您這樣名利雙收,飽經滄桑的人,對于這種瑣碎的事情是不會有多大興趣的,但我們的確有過極悲慘的遭遇。 」
  16. " it is so good, that i have distanced m. de chateau - renaud, one of the best riders in france, and m. debray, who both mount the minister s arabians ; and close on their heels are the horses of madame danglars, who always go at six leagues an hour.

    「好得很呢,夏多勒諾先生和德布雷先生騎的都是部長的阿拉伯馬,夏多勒諾先生還是法國最好的騎手之一呢,可我把他們都拋在後面了。他們的腳跟後面緊隨著騰格拉爾夫人的馬,而她總是以每小時十八哩的速度疾馳的。 」
  17. Gradually the reception - room filled, and some of our old friends made their appearance - we mean debray, chateau - renaud, and beauchamp, accompanied by all the leading men of the day at the bar, in literature, or the army, for m. de villefort moved in the first parisian circles, less owing to his social position than to his personal merit

  18. I cannot bear duelling since two seconds, whom i had chosen to arrange an affair, forced me to break the arm of one of my best friends, one whom you all know - poor franz d epinay. " ah, true, " said debray, " you did fight some time ago ; about what ? " the devil take me, if i remember, " returned chateau - renaud

    「要是您對我了解較多的話, 」伯爵微笑著答道, 「對于象我這樣一個隨緣度日,在那不勒斯吃通心粉,在梅朗吃粟粉粥,在瓦朗斯吃雜燴羹,在君士坦丁堡吃抓飯,在印度吃卡力克,在中國吃燕窩的旅行家,這種事您想都不會想的。
  19. " i tell you what, my dear fellow, " said chateau - renaud, " i cannot imagine what objection you can possibly have to mademoiselle danglars - that is, setting aside her want of ancestry and somewhat inferior rank, which by the way i don t think you care very much about

    「我告訴你,親愛的, 」夏多勒諾說, 「我想象不出騰格拉爾小姐有什麼使你不滿意的地方。就是說,暫且不管她的門第,在那方面她自然低了一點,但我想你也不見得會十分計較的。倒是我覺得她是一個非常漂亮的姑娘。 」
  20. As the religious ceremonies had all been performed at the door, and there was no address given, the party all separated ; chateau - renaud, albert, and morrel, went one way, and debray and beauchamp the other
