replied 中文意思是什麼

replied 解釋
  1. " two drops more would kill you, " replied the abb

    「再多兩滴就會殺死你了。 」
  2. " whenever you please, " replied the abb

    「隨便你什麼時候都行, 」神甫答道。
  3. Yes, to meet the general, ' replied the abbot. '

  4. "yours, sir, i'm sure, " replied mr. abel mildly.

  5. " madame, " replied villefort, with a mournful smile, " i have already had the honor to observe that my father has - at least, i hope so - abjured his past errors, and that he is, at the present moment, a firm and zealous friend to religion and order - a better royalist, possibly, than his son ; for he has to atone for past dereliction, while i have no other impulse than warm, decided preference and conviction.

    「夫人, 」維爾福苦笑著說道, 「我很幸運地看到我父親已經至少我希望公開承認了他過去的錯誤,他目前已是宗教和秩序的忠誠的朋友一個或許比他的兒子還要好的保皇黨,因為他是帶著懺悔之情,而我只不過是憑著一腔熱血罷了。 」
  6. In a hurried manner he replied in the affirmative.

  7. The aggie replied, " sir, i believe that would be giddy - up.

    這個大學生慢條斯理的說, 「先生,我相信是昏死過去。 」
  8. " a prisoner has escaped from the chateau d if, and they are firing the alarm gun, " replied dant

    「伊夫堡有一個犯人逃走了,他們在放示警炮。 」唐太斯回答。
  9. "of course not, " alice replied very readily.

  10. " but, " replied franz, " this ambrosia, no doubt, in passing through mortal hands has lost its heavenly appellation and assumed a human name ; in vulgar phrase, what may you term this composition, for which, to tell the truth, i do not feel any particular desire ?

    「但是, 」弗蘭茲答道, 「這種神漿,既然落到了凡人的手裡,無疑的已喪失了它在天上時的尊號而有了一個人間的名稱,用谷語來說,您可以把這種藥液叫做什麼呢?說老實話,我倒並不十分想嘗它。 」
  11. Anita mui immediately replied : [ don ' t do that

    梅艷芳馬上反應: 「不可以!
  12. Jean, if monsieur pleases, replied the newcomer, jean passepartout, a surname which has clung to me because i have a natural aptness for going out of one business into another

    「我叫若望,假使老爺不反對的話, 」新來的僕人回答說, 「路路通是我的外號。憑這個名字,可以說明我天生就有精於辦事的能耐。
  13. "ah! aristocratic, " replied miss petowker; "something very aristocratic about him, isn't there? "

  14. " no, indeed, " replied monte cristo with a smile, " i do not arrogate to myself the right of so doing.

    「不, 」基督山帶笑答道, 「我不敢想能有那種權利。 」
  15. Jane austen hurriedly replied, with as much trepidation as amusement.

  16. Aw sud more likker look for th horse, he replied

    「我倒情願去找馬, 」他回答。
  17. " i am not aweary, mother, " replied the little girl

    「我還不累呢,媽媽, 」那小姑娘回答說。
  18. Here are sixty thousand, replied phileas fogg, handing the captain a roll of bank bills

  19. " yes, " baruch replied, " he dictated all these words to me, and i wrote them in ink on the scroll.

  20. Replied beatrice in great agony, for she loved her cousin.
