scandal 中文意思是什麼

音標 ['skændl]
scandal 解釋
n. 名詞 1. 丑聞;醜名;醜事,醜行,丟臉的事件;舞弊案件;恥辱。
2. (社會上的)反感,物議,誹謗,詆毀。

  1. There is, however, one department which they do not delegate-namely, the department of backbiting and scandal.

  2. He was continually trying to get pierre to tell him about the recent scandal about the semyonovsky regiment, or about araktcheev, or about the bible society

  3. Most of us enjoy a bit of scandal.

  4. There is no blinking the possibility of a scandal.

  5. This confession implicates numerous officials in the bribery scandal.

  6. Our contentions do bring on us some scandal.

  7. More scandal would fall on the church if there were no such contentions.

  8. Newspaper stories gave currency to this scandal.

  9. An exaggerated devotion is the scandal of our sex.

  10. Newspapers love to dig up scandal.

  11. Nie detested debray, - not only because he was a source of dissension and scandal under the paternal roof, but because she had at once classed him in that catalogue of bipeds whom plato endeavors to withdraw from the appellation of men, and whom diogenes designated as animals upon two legs without feathers

  12. The scandal dished his hopes of being elected.

  13. No time could have been more unfortunate for the emergence of a really ripe public scandal.

  14. If it is not possible to repeal such a law completely, the catholic politician, recalling the indications contained in the encyclical letter evangelium vitae, " could licitly support proposals aimed at limiting the harm done by such a law and at lessening its negative consequences at the level of general opinion and public morality ", on condition that his " absolute personal opposition " to such laws was clear and well known and that the danger of scandal was avoided. this does not mean that a more restrictive law in this area could be considered just or even acceptable ; rather, it is a question of the legitimate and dutiful attempt to obtain at least the partial repeal of an unjust law when its total abrogation is not possible at the moment

    如果無法完全廢除這樣的法律,公教從政者要謹記生命的福音通諭中的話,只要他對這法律的個人立場是堅決反對,而這立場又是眾人皆知,並避免了惡表的危險,他便可以支持限制這法律所造成的傷害的法案,或支持減輕這法律對大眾輿論及公共道德造成的不良後果的法案。 18這並不表示在這方面較嚴謹的法律,可被視為合理或甚至可以接受的而是說,在目前無法徹底廢除這不義的法律時,要有合法和負責的意圖,設法廢除至少部分不義的法律。
  15. Then eva would jump in with her piece of scandal.

  16. She hastened to fetch it before i could refuse, and i heard joseph asking whether it warn t a crying scandal that she should have fellies at her time of life

    我還沒來得及拒絕,她趕忙去取了。我聽見約瑟夫在問: 「在她這樣年紀的人,還有人追求不是件了不得的醜事嗎?
  17. He was a kind of sport gentleman that went for a merryandrew or honest pickle and what belonged of woman, horseflesh, or hot scandal he had it pat

  18. The scandal was hushed up in an effort to save face.

  19. Nixon and haig insulated foreign policy to the greatest extent possible from the scandal.

  20. In kansas city his first commercial efforts had resulted in such a scandal.
