scrambling 中文意思是什麼

scrambling 解釋
  1. Wow, don ' t look so surprised. a call girl scrambling eggs

  2. Wow, don ' t look so surprised. a call girl scrambling eggs.

    喂,不要那麼驚訝嘛應召女炒雞蛋而已. .
  3. Corporate farmers are scrambling for every acre of land they can get.

  4. Scrambling acquiring genetic materials from human and avian viruses

  5. Review russian history of western security maintenance, we can conclude that there are four action modes, including ( occupying strategic anportant places, scrambling for seaport, building up safety belt, and avoiding two - side campaign. we also can analyse the base of four ideologies including : " moscow - the third rome, " messianic, legitimism and conservation, pan - slavism, and orthodox churh united completcd, which influence russia western security policy nato ( north atlanhc treaty organization ) is the most dripoopt part of russia western security environment

    回顧俄羅斯維護西部安全的歷史,可以總結出俄羅斯維護西部安全的四種行為模式,即搶占戰略要地、爭奪出海口、構造安全帶和避免兩線作戰,分析影響西部安全政策的四種意識形態基礎: 「莫斯科? ?第三羅馬」和救世主說、正統主義和保守主義、泛斯拉夫主義以及全東正教統一思想。
  6. Inventors everywhere were scrambling to build motorized vehicles.

  7. An mpeg 2 transparent scrambling algorithm based on dct domain

  8. With powerful restriction of holistic prescript, every distinguishing system eliminates and replaces each other, scrambling for the room of construction and redistributing the power of construction

  9. The application of prime number to image scrambling

  10. Many are just scrambling along in the world.

  11. For them, the long, near - panic queues at supermarkets scrambling for rice and toilet rolls in the weekend of 24 - 25 september 1983 must be quite alien ; so too, i imagine, the exchange rate of 9. 60 to the us dollar on that scary saturday morning

    人們在1983年9月24及25日,在超市大排長,恐慌性地搶購食米廁紙等,甚或港元在9月24日上午一度跌至每1美元兌9 . 60的情景,可能都屬于天方夜譚。
  12. Wear a helmet. it may seem pointless to wear a helmet on the approach, but in cases where you ' re bouldering / scrambling / soloing, a brain bucket may save your life

  13. The scrambling and descrambling technologies include non - disturbing frequency method, analog base band disturbing method, the radio - frequency signal disturbing method, the digital disturbing method for the analog signal and the digital signal disturbing method, etc. after the introduction a project based on the compression of the rf synchronous information is formulated

  14. My wife came with me, and excelled all others in nimbleness of skipping and scrambling from one destroyer to another.

  15. As india and china tend to their flourishing economies and strive to expand their global reach, they increasingly find themselves scrambling for natural resources and political influence around the world

  16. At the fore end a computer controls the scrambling circuit through serial communication

  17. As the economy booms, companies are scrambling to find, and keep, skilled indian workers

  18. There are mutual interference among the third instar larvae of episyrphus balteatus de geer, and the searching efficiency decreases and the intensity of scrambling competition increases with increase of its density

  19. They were all scrambling to get the bargains

  20. People are scrambling out of the way. everyone ' s running. it ' s a mess
