seadog 中文意思是什麼

seadog 解釋
  1. The statue of nelson stands more than 170 feet above trafalgar square, giving the old seadog a perfect view of the giant london 2012 campaign flag that was paraded around the square below

    納爾遜雕像高170英尺多,矗立在特拉法爾加廣場上。這位古老的海軍提督可以清晰地俯瞰下面廣場上巨大的「倫敦2012 」旗幟。
  2. There was a fellow sailed with me in the rover, the old seadog, himself a rover, proceeded. went ashore and took up a soft job as gentleman s valet at six quid a month

    「有個夥伴跟俺一道搭乘漂泊者號航海來著, 」這位本人就是個漂泊者的水手接下去說, 「他上了岸,找到了個伺候達官貴人的舒服差事。