sheehy 中文意思是什麼

sheehy 解釋
  1. He thought, but not for long, of soldiers and sailors, whose legs had been shot off by cannonballs, ending their days in some pauper ward, and of cardinal wolsey s words : if i had served my god as i have served my king he would not have abandoned me in my old days. he walked by the treeshade of sunnywinking leaves and towards him came the wife of mr david sheehy m. p

    他想了一下被炮彈炸斷了腿的士兵和水手怎樣在貧民救濟所里結束餘生的事,又想起紅衣主教沃爾西的話: 「如果我用為國王效勞的熱誠來侍奉天主,他也不會在我垂老之年拋棄我。 」 6他沿著樹蔭,走在閃爍著陽光的樹葉底下議會議員戴維希伊先生的太太7迎面而來。
  2. Mad fanny and his other sister mrs dickinson driving about with scarlet harness. bolt upright like surgeon m ardle. still david sheehy beat him for south meath

    瘋子范妮149 ,另外一個妹妹就是迪金森太太150 ,給馬套上猩紅色挽具,趕著車子到處跑。
  3. And mr sheehy himself

  4. Father conmee was very glad to see the wife of mr david sheehy m. p. looking so well and he begged to be remembered to mr david sheehy m. p. yes, he would certainly call
