springtide 中文意思是什麼

springtide 解釋
  1. It was five pages long, and he spoke therein of " the delicious hours passed at la mignotte, those hours of which the memory lingered like subtle perfume. " he vowed " eternal fidelity to that springtide of love " and ended by declaring that his sole wish was to " recommence that happy time if, indeed, happiness can recommence.

    信共寫了五頁,信中提到在「藏嬌樓」別墅里度過的甜蜜時光, 「這段時光猶如沁人肺腑的芳香,將永遠留在回憶中, 」他發誓說「永遠忠於這個愛情的春天」 ,信尾寫道,她的唯一願望,就是「重新開始那段幸福的生活,如果它能夠重新開始的話。 」
  2. E was in the very springtide and fulness of youthful charms - she had not yet numbered more than twenty summers
