ssap 中文意思是什麼

ssap 解釋
  1. In the current year, the post office trading fund has adopted ssap 35 " accounting for government grants and disclosure of government assistance " and elected to apply the accounting provisions of ssap 35 only to grants becoming receivable or repayable after the effective date of the standard

    于本年度內,郵政署營運基金采納會計實務準則第35號「政府補助金的會計及政府資助的披露」 ,並只將該準則的條款應用於在采納此準則后的應收或應償還補助金。
  2. Ssap 12 revised requires the adoption of a balance sheet liability method, whereby deferred tax is recognised in respect of all temporary differences between the carrying amount of assets and liabilities in the financial statements and the corresponding tax bases used in the computation of taxable profit, with limited exceptions

  3. Ssap 12 revised requires the adoption of a balance sheet liability method, whereby deferred tax is recognised in respect of all temporary differences between the carrying amount of assets and liabilities in the financial statements and the corresponding tax basis used in the computation of taxable profit, with limited exceptions

  4. The principal effect of the implementation of ssap 12 revised is in relation to deferred tax

  5. In order to comply with ssap 2. 132, the group intends to change its accounting year end date to 31 december

  6. The adoption of ssap 12 revised had no significant effect on the results for the current or prior accounting periods

  7. The adoption of ssap 12 revised had no significant effect on the results for the current or prior accounting periods. 2

  8. The adoption of ssap 35 had no effect on the results for the current or prior periods. accordingly, no prior period adjustment was required

  9. In the current year, the group adopted ssap 12 revised " income taxes " issued by the hksa which is effective for the current year s financial statements

  10. During the nine months ended 30 september 2003, the group adopted ssap 12 revised income taxes for the first time in the preparation of the quarterly accounts

  11. In prior years, the council had taken advantage of the exemption under section 2 of ssap 17 " property, plant and equipment " and all property, plant and equipment acquired for the use of the council were written off to the income and expenditure account in the year of acquisition

  12. Remarks : 1. basis of preparation these financial statements have been prepared in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in hong kong and comply with statements of standard accounting practice " ssap " issued by the hong kong society of accountants " hksa " and are prepared under the historical cost convention

    備注: 1 .編制基準此等財務報表乃按照香港普遍采納之會計政策及遵照香港會計師公會頒布之會計實務準則而編制,編制時乃採用歷史成本法。