strozzi 中文意思是什麼

strozzi 解釋
  1. With all trace of the valuables gone, my lady had taken her great necklace ? the one she had worn to the party at the strozzi house, where the rooms had been lit by skeletons with candles in their ribs and the wine, many swore afterward, had been as rich and thick as blood ? and to every servant she had given two fat pearls

    貴重的東西都藏好了,小姐取出她的珍稀項鏈? ?這條項鏈,她曾經戴著參加斯特羅齊家舉辦的宴會;那兒有很多骷髏,蠟燭安放在肋骨上,點亮了各個房間;后來還有人咒罵說他家的葡萄酒像鮮血一樣又紅又濃? ?給僕人每人兩顆圓潤的珍珠。