swiftlet 中文意思是什麼

swiftlet 解釋

  1. The nests of certain swiftlet species, made largely or wholly from saliva, have been esteemed in chinese cuisine for hundreds of years, being regarded as having a wide range of tonic and medicinal values ; trade records go back to at least the seventeenth century in indonesia

  2. The species were proposed to be uplisted in cites appendix ii in 1994 as a result of the increasing swiftlet nest trade through hong kong, together with evidence of over - harvesting and populations declines from southeast asian producing countries. unfortunately, the proposal was withdrawn due to objections from nest - producing countries

    由於經香港進出口的燕窩數量不斷增加,並有證據顯示東南亞的燕窩生產國出現過度開采及燕子數目下降的情況, 1994年有建議把燕子加入瀕危野生動植物種國際貿易公約附錄二,可惜建議因燕窩生產國反對而遭否決。